
艾米莉亚·克拉克(Emilia Clarke)和亨利·戈尔丁(Henry Golding)出演#LastChristmasMovie。立即观看预告片。


艾米莉亚·克拉克(HBO的《权力游戏》),亨利·戈尔丁(一个简单的青睐,疯狂的富有的亚洲人),杨紫琼和艾玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)饰演导演保罗·费格(Paul Feig)的浪漫喜剧《去年圣诞节》,并有剧本由奥斯卡金像奖得主汤普森(感性和敏感性,布里奇特·琼斯的婴儿)和剧作家布莱妮·金明斯(Bryony Kimmings)共同创作。

凯特(艾米莉亚·克拉克(Emilia Clarke))在伦敦大闹一场,一堆糟糕的决定加上鞋子上的铃铛摇曳,这是她在一家常年圣诞节商店里当小精灵的另一个令人不快的结果。汤姆(亨利·戈尔丁(Henry Golding))走进自己的生活并开始了解凯特的众多障碍时,似乎太过真实了。随着伦敦变成一年中最美好的时光,这两者都不适合。但是有时候,您得让雪落在可能的地方,您就必须倾听自己的心声。

去年的圣诞节以乔治·迈克尔(George Michael)的音乐为特色,其中包括影片标题中苦乐参半的节日经典片。这部电影还将首映由这位传奇的格莱美奖得主的艺术家发行的全新未发行材料,该艺术家售出了超过1.15亿张专辑,并在他的标志性职业生涯中录制了10首单曲。
这部电影是由BAFTA获奖者大卫·利文斯通(David Livingstone)制作的《灾难电影》(Calamity Films),艾玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)以及保罗·费格(Paul Feig)和杰西·亨德森(Jessie Henderson)的Feigco Entertainment制作的。这部电影由莎拉·布拉德肖(Sarah Bradshaw)执导。 。

  1. I am still sooooo sad after watching this movie I can't get over it, I even hoped that he could take my heart and live. He is the one that we all need

  2. I just finished watching the movie and OMG the twist,and the diversity is another twist
    I just didn't expect it to be what it is. GREAT MOVIE AND I'D RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE
    Everyone has done such a good job????

  3. I saw this movie at cinema and first i was like "ok probably just another boring, silly lovestory" so near the end i found tears in my eyes and said "thats a great movie"

  4. Honestly I'm very very grateful for this movie having been made. Firstly, the SOUNDTRACK. George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley were overdue for a complete soundtrack of their works, and even if it is dominated by George's back catalogue, Andrew played a big (and small cameo) part in bringing Last Christmas to us. Then there's Emma Thompson's screenwriting which really sparkles with her wit and intelligence, and Emilia Clarke is the perfect vehicle for it to play out on screen. She is completely genuine in this role, and all the more touching because of it. It's also just a lovely advertisement for the beauty and wonder and magic that is London, especially at night. You will NEVER have enough time to discover all of the treasures that London has in store for you. Such a feel-good Christmas flick that rewards repeated viewings. Thank you to all who are responsible for Last Christmas!

  5. Though brilliantly acted as Daenerys in GOT, I still think Emilia is more suitable for romantic drama, such as Me Before You (2016) and this Last Christmas (2019).

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