德克萨斯州州长格雷格·雅培提供冠状病毒更新(实时流) NBC新闻


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德克萨斯州州长格雷格·雅培提供冠状病毒更新(实时流) NBC新闻。

  1. Pic up researchers from around locals university colleges mix them with experianced ones fill up job fallen down in balamce sheet at any number will be credit .

  2. Pic up researchers from around locals university colleges mix them with experianced ones fill up job fallen down in balamce sheet at any number will be credit .

  3. Look focuss on job increase availibtiy through tthis programe go get your credit from trump quickly the next day your lead more states and that must shown in all media including locals remember my little fsmily is there need money house do this get your credits leads more

  4. Based on this style of briefing, we can say that 10% of people enjoyed this briefing, or putting it another way 90% did not enjoy this briefing

  5. Please separate hospitals. One for Covid 19 and one for other emergencies to stop the spread. Please chemical companies in TX that can produce disinfectant, please start spraying down buildings and streets. Everyone show humanity be kind to one other and be safe.

  6. That will be big shame for you people as trump admenstrations charactores now he sign trillions imagine will you be able recycle at least not to be at this situation back ???ofcourse no so hope things will be more clear

  7. Look man the resourse family is there your area texas trump signs trilions dolloer if tomorow sombody say your word will be shown in tweeter yputube etc ill tell howmany time in so many social media i asked for help where there was tpughest exchange of signals time till now and people are there who will show my messages

  8. Sad, not enough testing in US. So do you think that we are at risk of getting COVID-19? Yes. Don't you understand people are walking around spreading COVID-19. You have 29 million people in Texas. Hit the gas to the pedal Texas. Stay at home so we won't over run hospital's. I guess it is a waiting game, when everything hits the fan. Everyone God Bless you.

  9. I really wish that every state Mayor would, shut there state DOWN. BE PRODUCTIVE ABOUT THIS. don't be the drug dealer that needs to make money, that goes around a hundred different people, on top of those hundred different people.


  10. you are not following the science. we are beyond trying to control the spread of disease through travel restrictions. you need to just stop already with your anti-abortion policy as well…no need whatsoever to attempt to suspend constitutional rights. you don't have that authority.

  11. Wow all I'm hearing is the army came in and found empty arenas and buildings and provide a service to the state of idiot's who have no common sense and make sure you put Texans in place under your boot. I'm so done I want a divorce lol I dont feel served I feel violated

  12. Ok Governor I've got a few executive orders I need to issue for the government who is very confused on their position to the US citizens. So we as the people are the only ones who are at risk to spread or get the virus but any military or political official that doesn't apply??? Where did you guys bring in your military and service members from?? But what do I know we are just the pee ons who pay for you to live above us telling us how stupid and weak we are and how we are going to live life according to what suits you guys best. Come on yall its time to WAKE TF UP. This is disgusting what do we need the army to "participate" for this is not a birthday party you got invited to mr army dude.

  13. I'm not sure the Governor even glanced at that mouth full of bullsh** he is spitting out so sloppy. They talk at us like we're stupid and they're so above the free people.. I'm soooo done with this dog and pony show.. ughh cringy

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TJdjhd_XG8&t=4s Why is it taking so long to spread the use of Hydroxychloriquine, Zitromax and Zinc? It has proven to work well with 699 patients in New York. Get the lead out CDC, Fauci, WHO, President Trump and everyone. Zinc is ESSENTIAL! It is what actually stops the virus from replicating. The economy will not be able to recover until an effective treatment is widely used. Using masks really helps to cut the spread too. Look at South Korea, Taiwan, Japan where they use them normally. They are not perfect but help to lower the potential viral load when someone breathes or coughs on you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TJdjhd_XG8&t=4s

  15. 3달째 전염병검사를 몇십만건 이상을 하며 야외부스 자동차스루 여행목적으로 오는 입국자까지 포함해서 친절하게 공항에서만 하루에 3000명이상 검사하는데 대구에 10층짜리 병원에서 4 5 6층에 있는 요양원병원에서 80명이 집단 감염되었는데 7 8층에 정신병동 의사만 검사하고 150명 환자는 한명도 검사를 안했다 어제 130명이 집단감염 되었다 신천지집회에 참석하고 대구아파트 신천지신도들의 집단감염을 5일동안 숨긴 대구시장이 말을했다 정신병원은 의사만 검사하면 깨끗합니다 대구시장은 왜 이런말을 했을까요 신천지교인 25만명중 신천지교회 한곳에서 교회예배 1시간동안 확인된 감염자가 6000명인데 법원과 검찰들이 경찰의 수사를 지금도 못하게 막고있다 신천지교인들 중에서 의료인 공무원 교도관 금융 전자제품 상품콜센터에 숨어있던 직원들이 한번에 몇백명씩 집단감염을 발생시키고 있다 또한 감염된 신천지의료인은 환자는 물론이고 의료인들까지 집단감염을 시키고 병원을 못쓰게 만든다 한국의 감염자 9000명중 신천지교인이 관련된 감염자만 8000명이다 이것은 절대로 자연재해라고 말할수가 없다 한국경찰이 신천지교인들의 명단도 조사를 못하게 막고있는 한국법원과 검찰은 일본과의 연결이 100년이상 지속되고 있다 구조적인 비리로 그들이 원하는 자들을 누구든지 한국의 정치인들과 판사 검사들을 만들수가 있다 전세계가 어떻게든 조사를 해야 이런일이 다시 일어나는 것을 막을수있다

  16. People who aren’t from Texas don’t realize that most work here (especially the greater Houston area) is considered essential, which keeps a lot of people out and about like normal.

  17. Can you government deceivers stop w/all the hand signs. And what's w/ the Aryan Nazi soldier being at the table? Why is he there, he's an Aryan. Just this scene along has so many signs and symbols, and then there's the Aryan. Hitler's laboratory made Aryan nation. The Most High only created 18 nations, Aryans is not the Divine creation. I don't know WTF they are… None of you actors can be trusted. none.
    King Yahweh Rules.(Father)

  18. Im Texan. I don’t approve of his handling. My parents are boomers and they mean the world to me. People in my city aren’t taking this seriously. They were out in the sand dunes or the parks having big get togethers. W. H Y?

  19. I live in San Antonio on the NE side and I don't even know who is taking what seriously. I see neighborhood's quiet and the main strip not so congested. But HEB and Walmart's parking lots are packed every day lol

  20. I really have a little question. why is the number of deaths in the West more than in Asia. some young people still consider it normal because they will die sooner or later. I admire your kindness. But is this a stupid thing? When you walk on the road there is a stone but did not step over but still plunged into it. It's like suicide, but it still affects people around you.

  21. This video seems to be spliced in a few spots in the beginning. ????? I hope he’s giving accurate info. We must watch everyone closely, this is a matter of life or DEATH ?. Pro want to live, and be healthy.

  22. Lindsey Graham's problem is he can't handle the truth. Pelosi "Is blaming the president of the United States for people dying because of the way he’s led the country,” Graham told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “That’s the most shameful, disgusting statement by any politician in modern history.” The truth is Trump dismantled the pandemic response team Obama set up. They could have contained the virus in China before it spread. And if we had the tests we could have quarantined people a long time ago before the virus spread in America. Trump knew the corona virus pandemic was spreading to America but he "Gave China nearly 17.8 tons (more than 35,000 pounds) of "masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials." Read


    Trump dismantled the pandemic response team Obama set up. Trump failed to allow testing. Trump gave China our medical equipment. So now a whole lot of Americans are dying and our economy is being destroyed. Pelosi was accurate when she "Blamed the president of the United States for people dying because of the way he’s led the country."

  23. Here in Washington DC and no one is taking this virus serious. My 4 year old and I have been in isolation only going out for food and toiletries and we're wearing masks and gloves and everyone else is looking at us like we're crazy. No one is wearing masks. People stand in line outside at the 7 eleven and liquor store supposedly 6 ft but no. They're right in each other's face. My kitchen window and bedroom window is pretty much the view from which I see due to me living in a shopping complex. The mayor issues stay at home restrictions and no one is listening. Please stay home to stop the spread people. God bless you ?

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