Knives Out(2019电影)Official Trailer-丹尼尔·克雷格,克里斯·埃文斯,杰米·李·柯蒂斯


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备受赞誉的作家兼导演Rian Johnson(砖头,Looper和《最后的绝地武士》)向神秘的策划人Agatha Christie致敬,这是一个有趣的,现代的谋杀之谜,每个人都值得怀疑。当著名犯罪小说家哈伦·索伦比(Christopher Plummer)在其85岁生日后被发现死于他的庄园时,好奇而bon弱的侦探Benoit Blanc(丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig))被神秘邀请参加调查。从Harlan身体机能不佳的家庭到他敬业的员工,Blanc通过红鲱鱼和自我服务的谎言来筛选,以揭露Harlan不幸过世的真相。凭借克里斯·埃文斯(Chris Evans),安娜·阿玛斯(Ana De Armas),杰米·李·柯蒂斯(Jamie Lee Curtis),唐·约翰逊(Don Johnson),迈克尔·香农(Michael Shannon),托尼·科莱特(Toni Collette),拉基思·斯坦菲尔德(LaKeith Stanfield),凯瑟琳·兰福德(Katherine Langford)和贾登·马爹利(Jaeden Martell)的全明星合唱团,《刀锋传说》是一个机智而时尚的表演,保证让观众不断猜测直到最后。 。

  1. This goes up people's arses and comes out of their mouth, like hell will, shameful people. I got the credit already, talent is in their pussies, people of Punks land……….buried faces.

  2. Rian johnson just needed to say he was last jedi director hahaha it feels like he is saying "hey, i am the dude that made that crappy movie but now… look at this!"

  3. I've watched it 6 times and still counting…. Though i dont know any of these hollywood actors.. I just went with the plot and screenplay… This is the best movie faaarrr off from those sci fi non sense movies… Hollywood should come up with more such ideas closer to reality.. Excellent excellent…

  4. James Bond with Southern twang + uncouth Captain America + the Halloween lady + Man of Steel villain = modern version of Murder on the Orient Express minus the train!

  5. I didnt like that they showed the "murder" right in the beginning, i didnt have any suspense or the feeling of "ooh, who did it??!" cause you know, they told it right away. Dissappointed. Daniel Craig was great.

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