
#Parasite已经获得了包括最佳影片在内的四个奥斯卡金像奖,现在已经在澳大利亚电影院放映。 #BongJoonHo的电影。

Ki-taek的四口之家很亲密,但完全没有工作,他们的前途一片黯淡。儿子Ki-woo是由他的朋友(一所著名大学的学生)推荐的,他从事高薪的补习工作,产生了希望有固定收入的希望。带着家人的期望,Ki-woo前往Park的家中接受采访。 Ki-woo到达了一家全球IT公司的所有者Park先生的住所时,遇到了房子美丽的年轻女子Yeon-kyo。但是,在两个家庭之间的第一次会面之后,一连串不可阻挡的不幸等待着。


  1. I don't know but this movie is just a Shit. It got Oscar & BAFTA. Huh? Trump was angry and so I became mad after finishing this movie.
    Ok good plot starts and lost his path in middle. There is a lot of loopholes, nonsense storyline. Even being an architect the owner placed the light button underground. Huh! Even after 4 years the owner didn't recall their basement but suddenly for a birthday party they recall Table from the basement. Their son saw Ghost but they never tried to solve the issue….So on … the list is long. Felling like a mad. Asshole ??? Being an Indian I have seen lots of mesmerizing and bullshit movies, but thought being an Oscar winning it would be great but its just a lost movie.???

  2. You want to see real drama, direction, storyline, synchronisation this is the thing.

    Money, lie, fraud, intimacy, kids, food, rich poor, social classes, differences, need, & many more things.
    Atleast once, watch this with subtitles.

  3. Just finished the movie ..no words can describe the awsmness of the movie .. epic???. The way the girl take the boy on her shoulder nd saved his life ❤❤❤wow

  4. It's that movie worth to watch? I don't want waste my 2hours life to watch a boring movies .. this trailer not showing anything,what a joke

  5. Of all the trailers for movies that was nominated for Best Picture, this one is the best and caught my attention straight away. At first i thought that this is some kind of horror movies with like ghosts or monsters in it. Turned out it's much better than that.

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