
佛罗里达已经看到冠状病毒数量激增,而春季破坏者应受谴责。 《青年土耳其人》的主持人Ana Kasparian和Brett Erlich将其分解。 https://tyt.com/go


“剪辑变得病毒化。”如果我得到电晕,我就会得到电晕。归根结底,我不会阻止我参加聚会,”迈阿密的春季破坏者布雷迪·斯卢德(Brady Sluder)上周说。



当然,现年22岁的Sluder来自俄亥俄州米尔福德,他一生中有被他“崇拜”的老人。他不想让任何人冒险。现在,他了解了这种病毒的严重性,并正在鼓励人们遵循有关如何保持安全并降低风险的指南。最重要的是,他很抱歉。” *

主持人:Ana Kasparian,Brett Erlich

演员:安娜·卡斯帕里安(Ana Kasparian),布雷特·埃利希(Brett Erlich)


世界上最大的在线新闻节目。由Cenk Uygur和Ana Kasparian主持。美国东部标准时间晚上6-8点进行直播。 http://tyt.com/live

在YouTube上订阅The Young Turks:http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user = theyoungturks







年轻的土耳其人(n),1.某个机构,运动或政党的年轻的进步或叛乱成员。 2.反对权威或社会期望的年轻人。 (美国遗产词典)

#TYT #TheYoungTurks#冠状病毒。

  1. TYT didnt even mention the Commyvirus until after it became a global pandemic. Instead they made 10 videos a day about how aweful Trump is. They also took down their video in which they called Trump a racist for travel ban with China. Now TYT are experts on the subject tho hahaha. Talentless hacks!

  2. Some JAWS dialogue :

    Mayor Vaughn: We're really a little anxious that you're, ah, you're rushing into something serious here. It's your first summer, you know.

    Chief Brody: What does that mean?

    Mayor Vaughn: I'm only trying to say that Amity is a summer town. We need summer dollars. If people can't swim here, they'll be glad to swim in the beaches of Cape Cod, the Hamptons, Long Island.

    Chief Brody: That doesn't mean we have to serve them up as smorgasbord.

    Harry Meadows: We've never had that kind of trouble in these waters.

  3. Why are they smiling while reporting it shits not funny. And dos Santos is a douche but your boy gillium is to Busy getting drugged out banging make escorts.

  4. Honestly I thought there’s no way someone could be THIS heartless to keep the beaches open like the mayor in Jaws but LIFE is stranger than fiction….

  5. A leader in Floriduh!!!!! ?????????????right alongside its not my responsibility Orange dumbass. sesame streets the count: 1+1 = 2……not 1 but 2 , 2 dumbasses in the same state. But I forget to count the third one . He’s a sneaky snakey quiet one ah, ha, ha, ha

  6. You SORRY people at tyt, you whine and cry about the relief bill, oh a company gets money and that's republicans doing wrong. How about Pelosi and the democRATS putting "pork" in the bill ? Nothing about 25 million dollars for the Kennedy center is going to help us, and the list of pork continues with wasteful shit. Your show used to be one I listened to, but these past several years, I just can't listen to your bias crap anymore

  7. The aliens don't need to come and kill us all to take over the earth. They're just wait for us to kill ourselves so they can just take the earth over.

  8. If you decided to party in large groups for spring break you deserve what you get.??‍♀️ Play stupid games and you will win stupid prizes. I'm also not surprised at Florida. The beaches should've been closed but money is more important than lives.

  9. That reminds me of the time we got a bus boat from Venice to the mainland and a storm blew up, the boat smashed into a wooden post and the boatmen threw all the luggage inside and managed to get back to a mooring to ride it out! I feel really sorry for all the guys like that who can’t operate, no tourists, and probs have families to feed. I wonder if the gondoliers punt around alone singing mournfully!!!

  10. Ha ha. We were going to Italy on 9th May, were going to drive up through France, the Alp tunnel, meander through to Tuscany. Lol. Not now of course!!!!!

  11. The American "it's all about me" culture having a head-on collision with a deadly virus that spreads far more easily than the flu and and is about 10 times more lethal. That's with a functioning health care system, the death rate will go up even higher if hospitals are overwhelmed.

  12. To everybody in the comments calling people stupid, do you really think you’re not stupid? Fine, I’ll go first: I feel stupid. I think we’re being deprived of quality information.
    How can you not feel stupid in this day and age? How can we ever get smart if we can’t even except that we’re stupid?

  13. Favourite scene in the movie that scene with Craig and Skarsgaard. I assumed a lot would be done with things and even laws because it would be ridiculous not to have laws for things or do things but increasingly people do in fact have no clue

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