

詹妮弗·约翰逊(Jennifer Johnson)报告说,在美国,尤其是在纽约州-美国疫情爆发的中心,案件激增。

雷德蒙德·香农(Redmond Shannon)审视了整个欧洲的鲜明场面,因为该大陆在COVID-19大流行中突破了两个严峻的里程碑。


  1. the USA are going sky rocket like they're going on the moon again
    Yet the airports are still open and flying domestically oh, did I miss something

  2. Its funny how most people are avidly against Trump but then they actually listen to him when it comes to this virus. Go look for foreign news with english subtitles! The US media gives many false information about this virus and doesn't give appropriate precautions to use! And when they do its at the last minute. The cases are worse than Europe and Italy now!! Hello!!

  3. Im living in Northern Europe. Most of the places are quarantined here. Please check from my profile how I am effectively fighting against corona at the moment, especially if you're worried about your health! ?

  4. Fortunately, the current US president knows that health insurance for the people is pure socialism … is falling on their feet today!
    Any bet that if a few hundred thousand US citizens died in a few weeks, the survivors would find that medical bills would make them better off, they would have died too.

  5. Where is the Hillbilly Nation who thinks this guy is the greatest US president ever seen ? You won't never recover this drama i am afraid This guy made China Great Again, Russia Great Again and Put America through the Bus.

  6. Prayers for the world, that Covid-19 will be eradicated quickly. Let's help one each other by doing everything to keep ourselves and our neighbours safe.

  7. i heard Indian doctors have invented anti vaccines to fight against Chinese virus , American and Indian doctors should unite to save lifes , America should send team of scientists and doctors to India please get United to fight against this communist and jihadi virus

  8. Wherever fauci and Cuomo are in charge the less success you will have because they are causing it.Just go and get some air and stop listening to the brainwashing program.

  9. The gilty are de chinese because their known of the virus and never say nothing since december. I think apatently they create this virus to destroy europeo and usa. I think this virus was create in laboratory.

  10. First time I have left my house in 2 weeks … washing clothes. People are not keeping a safe distance … back to my place ..
    2 no trespassing signs, locking my gates

  11. USA…of course be at the top of the Covid 19 League Table…leaving Italy n China far behind ….
    Thanks Trump…u make America great with Covid …..
    Keep it up…

  12. What the US government may be hiding. How fast virus cannot spread. Estimated to have spread in the United States since September last year

  13. The hospitals need to be sprayed with LYSOL, CLEAN THE AREA WITH EITHER ALCOHOL OR BLEACH and all the patients WEAR a mask and WASH your hands. DRINK warm liquids like hot chocolate, HOT coffee, HOT ginger, HOT lemonade and WARM WATER every 15 minutes !!! Those that aren’t sick STAY THE F AT HOME!!! ???

  14. Isn't it just alarming how the global epicentre is the US. There's such an important lesson in that. The American people deserve a much better leader. We are praying for you.

  15. I have a quiestion global news. If you locked the people up because of the coronavirus to help stop the '' virus'' why then when everyone is locked up the' 'virus' is hitting mass numbers? How is that possible? And why do you need the army to help with keeping people at home? And one more quiestion, why are you lying to people?

  16. you and your Stasi! the police in Berlin is by far the most docile and chill police you can ever imagine. They merely go to people and inform them of the guide lines especially since they are a bit confusing as we can still do pretty much everything, just not in groups of more than 2 and also not allowed to sit in parks, or have bbqs or pincknics as it gives the wrong impression to other people who would then also rapidly start their own gatherings. Other than that, and as you can see in the numbers, people here really took the guidelines seriously. The police is there to gently remind people of them and also enforce them if they need like this one idiotic club that was illegally open and letting people in throught the back door. But those are quite isolated events and yeah. Just wanted to make it clear because the second you hear police and German in the same sentence people go crazy, which is something the police here is also aware of, so they are geniunely very kind and understanding and give out warnings rather actual fines

  17. How ironic that the USA are now so hard hit by corona virus when they invented and patented these damned virus strains in the first place..

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