Overcomer电影-Official Trailer(HD)


教练约翰·哈里森(John Harrison)的生活在一夜之间发生了变化,当时他的高中篮球队和州冠军的梦想在意料之外的消息的压迫下被粉碎了。当最大的制造工厂关闭,成百上千的家庭离开城镇时,约翰质疑他和他的家人将如何面对不确定的未来。在勉强同意担任越野教练之后,约翰和他的妻子艾米(Amy)遇到了一位有抱负的运动员,她正在极限探索之旅。受到新朋友的言语和祈祷的启发,约翰成为了可能性最小的教练,帮助了可能性最小的跑步者尝试了今年最大的比赛。

发行:Sony Pictures

普里西拉·雪尔(Priscilla C.
莎莉·里格比(Shari Rigby)
卡梅伦·阿内特(Cameron Arnett)
本·戴维斯(Ben Davies)。

  1. Wow, wat een geweldige film. Hij staat nu op Netflix.
    Wow, what an amazing movie. In the Netherlands, you can watch this movie on Netflix

  2. overflowing thank you for making this movie to reach out to many and receive and believe Jesus as their saviour too! thank you for the prople behind cameras and the actors and actresses who played their respective rolesvso perfectly! my etes never rsn dry of tears throughout the movie???OVERCOMER???

  3. This is the Only Hollywood movie which dosent represents drugs, sex, humiliation, Money,
    You guys done very good jod Hollywood need to do more movies like this younger generations need the movie like this to trust on God and future god bless this whole team.
    Iam nat a Christian but love the spirit of this beautiful move

  4. Finally something on Netflix that isn't full of sex, drugs, curses and using God's name in vain and blaspheming His name. Almost every other movie out there has a satanic agenda!

  5. My God I latst cried while watching a movie back 2009 but this movie made me fr its so emotional???inspiring that when a life is based on Christ everything could be very easy I wish they make such movies in this world of ours now God helps us …..

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