史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)对特朗普冠状病毒的下一步工作做出了大胆的预测

前白宫首席战略家史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)与杰西·沃特斯(Jesse Watters)一起讨论了未来经济的重新开放。 #FoxNews #WattersWorld

FOX News运营FOX新闻频道(FNC),FOX商业网络(FBN),FOX新闻广播,FOX新闻头条24/7,FOXNews.com以及直接面向消费者的流媒体服务FOX Nation。 FOX News还在FOX Broadcasting Company和FOX News Edge上制作FOX News Sunday。 FNC是顶级五电缆网络,已连续17年成为该国最受欢迎的新闻频道。根据Brand Keys在2018年的Research Intelligencer研究,FOX News排名全国第二最受信任的电视品牌。此外,萨福克大学/今日美国调查显示福克斯新闻是该国最受信赖的电视新闻或评论来源,而2017盖洛普/奈特基金会的一项调查发现,在可以说出客观新闻来源的美国人中,福克斯新闻是引用最多的插座。 FNC在近9000万个家庭中可用,并在有线新闻领域占据主导地位,同时例举该类型的前十名节目。
订阅福克斯新闻! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS

Bret Baier的特别报道:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-special-report/
玛莎·麦卡勒姆(Martha MacCallum)的故事:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-story-with-martha-maccallum/
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-ingraham-angle/

  1. Printing 2 trillion dollars to give taxpayers 250 billion dollars seems stupid. I think the Democrats realize after their last 3 years of failed Trump ejections and zero help to America, their days are numbered. So, they're lining their pockets and pork barrel projects to embezzle taxpayer dollars before they lose at the ballot box in November.

  2. Since when did Fox News become so concerned about how the president is handling the virus, when just two weeks ago, major talk show specialists insisted it was a political scam by Democrats to offset Trump's reelection. People, don't let Fox get by with this. It was purely criminal, first by failing to admit the virus was serious, calling other news companies Fake News. And secondly, using that propaganda to no ignore the evidence, the recommendations from every other country, and the daily increase in deaths that were occurring even as Fox supported an incompetent president for the lives of poor, elderly citizens. It's just beyond disgusting. One thing Fox has truly accomplished that will forever be change the ProLife conservatives who despise Democrats because they voted for abortion. They did not. The entire Roe vs. Wade was a supreme court case that called for the privacy, like in medical privacy, that was the actual question to be answered. Nevertheless, one can deny that, but can't deny that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of privacy for the woman who had gotten an abortion. And of the 9 Chief Justices, 7 were strongly Republican appointed and backed, and two were Democrat. The vote in favor of what media misrepresents as favoring abortion, ( no, it protected the 14th Amendment of privacy). That vote was 7 supporting and two against. Six Republican and one Democrat appointed Judge voted in favor of Roe vs. Wade; one Republican and one Democrat voted against.

    My entire point here, in addition to the error of propaganda political leaders and news broadcasting have built around the PRO ABORTION/ PRO LIFE ISSUE as grossly errant in an effort to create false information to support the Republican party, actually, the far right agenda. And here's the thought for all you supporters of Fox broadcasting to consider. Not my quote, but it was mentioned in an article this past week. President Trump cost possibly thousands of lives due to his failure to take the virus seriously, even as early as January 3, when US intelligence first notified him of a serious virus. Even worse, is that Fox news, rather than doing their homework and reporting the facts, grossly ignored the warnings, calling them campaign practices being used by Democrats to make Trump look bad. Fox News contributed to thousands of deaths more than necessary for their lack of honesty in providing the correct news, and not supporting a corrupt President, who is farthest from the far right that they applaud than even they know.

    So remember this, all Republican enthusiasts and Fox News" supporters: This pandemic clearly demonstrated that the "ProLife beliefs ended at birth."

  3. If and when he's shuts down all non essential travel, only food and doctor's will be able to fly or be driven or bused anywhere
    Period. Also lock all states borders, except for essential travel. No traveling between states, except for essential reasons, doctor's, truckers, etc etc. That's what it is going to take to bring this virus to a crawl, not a stampede, which is what we are now dealing with now. And yes, strictly enforce it as well.

  4. AND President Trump did EXACTLY as Steve Bannon said he would probably do. He extended the order to April 30th. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. There CAN'T BE a chance for jumping the gun with opening the country up again. THAT won't work. President Trump and his advisors know what they're doing. BE PATIENT. WE WILL SOON SEE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL.

  5. Sorry to get off topic, but somebody noticed that as soon as the quarantine began, almost all of those scam phone calls stopped. I don't think they really went away. Rather I believe the same fraudsters behind the phone scams simply opened up social media accounts and became the people inundating us with disinformation and trying to sow division. There seem to be a lot more comments than normal under these political videos. It makes sense. During normal times, Americans are busy going out, and worried about loved ones who are out of the house, and are therefore more likely to pick up the phone and are more suggestible to phone scams based on those fears. But now that we're all home and all glued to our computers looking for information and hope, our vulnerabilities lie elsewhere. So these terro rist fraudsters are hitting us online instead now. I wonder if they could figure out who is behind this cartel. It's obviously an operation and not individual freelancers seeing as they act lockstep.

  6. "He's a business guy"? No, he's a Con. A white collar criminal. He took weeks to do what he should of done much much sooner. Fox is spinning like hell, to change the narrative for Trump. Remember Trump said it was contained. That it was like a cold. And Hannity even said it might be a Deep State move or whatever. Trump is done. As Lincoln said, "you cannot fool all of the people all of the time". We remember Trump. Blood is on your hands.

  7. “Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve.”
    ― Coco Chanel

  8. Morning Joe creating more devisive crap. Disgusting to see Morning Joe spew his partisan negativity while offering no alternative solutions. Just more Trump hate.

  9. Tiya Baker … CCP paid Israeli Startup from TelAviv to spy USA Army & Laboratories … thanks Bank of China from Shanghai by billions U$ to IAI… blond looks mossad agents vs han chinese massage women (who are more visible to be fight by FBI in US?).

  10. I had a dream awhile back that a tornado was coming. I was looking out my window in my dream and saw these crazy looking scattered clouds going by. Then I saw the tornado itsself coming towards my house. I could hear it all around my house, but it didn't tear my house up. Where's my Joseph to interpret my dream?

  11. Who says the dead people won't be most of the Government politicians. They are old and money isn't going to save them. Their has been richer people than them that have been overcome with this.

  12. The Impeached President botched this and is trying to make up for it. I give him credit for realizing the critical nature of this Pandemic and acting. However…..he does not deserve another chance to prove to the American people that he has a heart and really cares about them. He doesn't. During these conferences, he is also campaigning. He still brings the focus back to himself by throwing out outrageous comments to bait the opposition and new media. What is wrong with him? People are dying. People are scared and panicking. Not one word of comfort, said with sincerity out of his mouth since this began in January. Even when he says that he loves the American people, his face says that it isn't true. I fear for us. The leadership of this country has been and still is in the hands of a man who doesn't care about anything but his own agenda.

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