21座桥梁|官方预告片|立即在Digital HD,Blu-Ray和DVD上拥有

21 BRIDGES跟随一名四面楚歌的NYPD侦探(Chadwick Boseman),他在发现大规模且出乎意料的阴谋后被迫在全市范围内搜寻一对警察杀手。随着夜晚的发展,关于他所追求的人和追求他的人的界限变得模糊。当搜寻愈演愈烈时,当局采取了极端措施,防止凶手逃离曼哈顿,因为当局关闭了所有21桥,以防止任何人进出该标志性岛屿。




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21座桥梁|官方预告片|立即在Digital HD,Blu-Ray和DVD上拥有

  1. Really good movie. Sadly this is also the hard truth about some real lowlife cops out there involved in killing, abuse, bribe, drugs, prostitution, trafficking and on with the badge in one hand and the devil in the other.

  2. Great starting premise, but you really have to suspend reality when it comes to police procedures…it gets really ridiculous after a while…apparently only 1 detective is assigned to the case and has total control and he never questions anyone at any of the scenes while every cop fires at the fleeing suspect like a madman, including the police helicopter, haha…it really takes you out of the movie after a while…you start thinking….wtf this isnt what would happen! even to a suspected cop killer! the entire police dept is going down after all the footage at these scenes are analyzed lol

  3. Mr. Chadwick is my new favourite actor almost closer to Denzel Washington. But if he dates white woman or marries white woman he'll be dropped to level zero of least favourite.. ????????????

  4. 21 bridges saw this movie. Very good. But the regular dirty cops type of thing. Nevertheless had me on the edge of my seat. Brother had the Island on lockdown. Manhattan. City on lock lol.

  5. Thought this would be a B grade movie with little expectations prior to watching it, however I was happily suprised as it drags you in with each scene.
    Well done for having this style of genre being done before, however this one has all the action, suspense and thrills behind it which has been rarely done before aka other movies seen to drag at certain scenes then have to get the momentum back up again whereas this movie keeps tracking along nicely.
    Shame the guy didn't survive as it would have been a great is alternative ending.

  6. is it just me or are they trying to shove the Marvel reference into your face? In the first 5 minutes, I already hear the word Avenger and Civil War used. I get its not in that context and these are common words, but its still too much of a coincidence. I think you're just trying too hard.

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