


  1. is there an Example sketch that i can upload in arduino ide, if not can you give me a hit how i get this code to my board . GREAT WORK

  2. Really cool video that is very helpful to those, like me, that are stepping into the websocket arena! Subscribed and liked… thanks!
    One thing, would be cool if you elaborated a bit more on how you apparently and efficiently were able to get such a fast live view of a pin's waveform. I learn from code and it would be awesome to see that. I am not looking to do an oscilloscope view of analog reads at this point, but more like a slow-scrolling graphic that shows logic state of a pin. Researching….

  3. Great video explaining how Websockets works, thanks! And that firmware running on the ESP8266 looks fascinating – lots of reading for me to do – thanks again!

  4. I want to make two directly interconnected ESP's that can work remotely (not bound by a single WiFi network).

    Actually, i want to make synced lamps. When one is turned on, so is the other.. and vice versa, no matter the location. Do you have any advice?

  5. Hi Charles,
    I am using your ESPUSB project to create a WiFi connected keyboard (instead of Bluetooth). But I am having trouble setting up the ESP as a websocket client (the keyboard). Could you point me to a good C implementation of websocket client or is it already implemented in the API you created and I am just too stupid to find it? Any help would be much appreciated!!!

  6. Wow! 200 – 500 Hz! Very impressive. My own experiments based ESP/Arduino were stuttering at about 20Hz. My guess is that I would have to learn how to use the espressif API's and code it all on my own, as close to the metal as possible. Your links are about colorchord and ws2812 –
    Is there a different link for the websockets code, or is it proprietary ?

    BTW, love your glass PCBs, though HCl + H2O2 is way cleaner & quicker than FeCl3!

  7. the funny thing is HTTP runs on TCP which is exaclty like a socket.. so you got already all in TCP, then you abract over HTTP, then you abstract to add back what HTTP removes. YAY!

  8. Sad to admit when web sockets was introduced I thought it would be abused more than it helped people… kind of like Java is known for. 😛 You have completely changed my mind and I'll be looking into websockets more seriously now. Seeing an Oscope run in real time (no matter the resolution) from a browser blew my mind. Thank you for the demonstration and amazing work. I can fully appreciate what you've accomplished. Bravo.

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