
Java EE 7的JSR 356:WebSocket的Java API包括服务器和客户端部分。在此截屏视频中,我将连接Java WebSocket客户端和Java EE 7服务器。


  1. Hi nice informative video…I have a doubt.. Would really appreciate your help with it.
    I have a server endpoint. Can I send a message from a REST Api too a client side endpoint, via the session stored on the server side endpoint, and wait for a response from the client side and return it to the API???

  2. When I make a new java (web) project mine looks completely different from yours. May I ask what the fresh project is called?

  3. Good day,

    Always enjoy articles / video Adam. Thank you.

    May I ask which plug for Netbeans shows you that graph? Does it show the JVM stats for the running application?

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