5G LED病毒覆盖了武器部署


  1. Christopher James from A Warrior Calls Channel says they have a different cusip number on each piece of gov issued I.D. He says, they have a different life insurance policy on each piece. When we die they collect on all of them. This is why they want to be informed when we die and why they want our ID returned and why they want everyone registered.

  2. It's a synthetic pandemic and it's all planted and planned, just watch the Hollywood movie made in 2011 name Contagion, and if you not believe than read the book of USA famous physic author Sylvia browne famous for prophecies name of book is END OF DAYS written in 2011. If still jot believed then listen the statements of Israeli Health minister and defence minister that this disease will infect 70% population and the treatment is Maseha now just go to the netflex series and watch MASEHA.
    Hope you will not be convinced yet then please follow your famous rock star singer of USA kery horrison on twitter or on media interview.
    Just watch the record that how much petitions have been put by people on the table of WHO Head office in Geneva against 5g harms to humans,
    It is proven that 4g signals caused cancer in humans and cancer is a overgrowth of some cells in body no stopping, and Corona is also caused lungs fibrosis due to fast replication of virus inside body it's also called lungs cancer,
    Please avoid mobile and cell phones of 4g and 5g, it's radioactive virus and very contagious due to electromagnetic and radioactive waves, can follow mobile signals, this is the reason it can spread most fastly as in 198 countries, use homeopathic, don't go hospitals in installs cases or minor symptoms, hospital are the factories of this infection, quarantine yourself In your room, and start homeopathic medicine rather the antibiotics, There are 100s of homeopathic effective medicine which have no side effects, you can ask me if needed.
    DR, Qazi Anser. Like my fb page http://www.facebook.com/Drqazianser
    subscribe for homeopathic remedy


  4. Everyone tweet Piers Morgan on Twitter with crucial information. He is the only one on TV who may publically expose them. I have done so today and it's already had over fifty views.

  5. Pray the Lord Jesus Christ he's on his way back and he's preparing his disciples believe me.. Turn to him now, the second coming is nigh, the messiah is light, there's only one winner here, the demons and forces of darkness have one last stand and here it is.

  6. They’ve brought these laws in involving the police because they knew sooner or later people would twig on to what’s been done to them..

    I hope people wake up en mass

  7. Mark I’m terrified I feel I can’t do anything but just Campaign on Twitter & FB I get virtually no response I’ve shared 5G Apocalypse documentary dozens of times, and your videos and others , I’ve talked about it on twitter loads of times again no response I’m trying and trying to get people to wake up to this.. if I had some one in my area I could hook up with I’d Campaign like mad but I’m on my own , is there any Activist in the Derby area that I can get in touch with? the way people are now they have been scared shitless with the fake C19 they’re not going to want another thing that terrifies them..
    I can’t think how I’d go about telling people although I have when I’ve been out with my dog, but I don’t know if they will do anything about it, or just think I’m batty.
    Give me hope please! 5G is the one thing that keeps me awake at night. I’ve joined saveusnow I will download some flyers and posters but I’m 61 and going out on my own scares me a bit.. is there anyone out there reading this can put me in touch with anyone?

  8. Very sadly, I think you are right. Particularly about the main Satanic family ruling everything from the top of the pyramid. More and more people are waking up to this now. They're pushing for a cashless society, enforced vaccine, micro chip in right hand (mark of the beast), mass race mixing with third world to dumb people down, one world government.
    I really hope we will win.

  9. I had radiation 40 years ago for cancer in my leg. 10 years ago my lower right leg had rotted away due to the radiation which had closed the artery in my groin so no blood was getting to my leg. So when I scratched my leg it rotted down to the Tendons. Its still not healed today. Radiation is lethal.

  10. well after a quick word with neighbour, who`s hubby works there, apparently they were putting camera down pipe to locate leak which has been ongoing for 20 years! Find it odd that they would address it now when EVERYONE should be on lockdown & I can tell you that couple guys were less than 12" apart. dodgy MF`s

  11. If viruses spread how they are saying why do people who fly on planes or ride on buses with those who are HIV positive catch it too? Think about that.

  12. Mark, please give a little more info to help us join the
    dots. Uninsurable technology for harm to humans (Weblink please). 5g Equipment
    proved in court to be lethal (Weblink please) govs own website a hoax… Killed a
    scientist…Death certificate surrender no coroner ….BIS payout for tagged body
    bags….450 nano meters 666…. More info in the description below video please

  13. God has chosen who are among that great multitude that will populate the world to come and on the last day only the goats will be complaining -that is not fair.

  14. if its all satanic as you say which i agree- police and poloticians are part of the satanic kabal. a few good ones get curropted in the end or thrown out

  15. Good morning…..full military here in san antonio texas……..i heard they will in a few days send a emergency text to all people in the united states, and the president will address this nation, and it looks like they might, might….dont know yet, to implement martial law, we will see, they are doing this to arrest many people who broke laws, actors, actresses, people in office who are traitors. thats why you here the elites CEO..leaving disney, Hulo, google……pedo's….the virus is a hoax to keep people inside to make these arrests

  16. Last night I saw the 5g led streetlights flashing in a weird pattern. This was right by section 8 government subsidizes housing. A few blocks away and on the other side of a bridge they had the older version lights still in place. This is where million dollar houses are. The pattern they flashed in was extremely strange. I’ll tape it tonight if it happens again.

  17. ELF is part of the electromagnetic spectrum as is microwave, wifi.. you know!
    Yes Nose bleeds. Yes static in the ears. Yes chest pain. Yes mimics illness. Yes builds a field in your home around you. Yes headaches. Yes leg numbness. Yes pain. Yes blurry vision. Yes directed energy weapon marks. "O" Dr Katherine L Horton has the same marks on her forehead as I do! BTW
    Where is Dr. K Katherine L Horton?

  18. I'm from Australia…. And the number of new COVID19 (smokaconavirus) smoke a cone a virus! (Ha haa) has actually gone down for the two/three days? There plans (hoaxes) are showing major cracks in logic???? !!!! People are waking up and smelling the Bullshit! Call them out people's! ?

  19. This guy calls it out, speaks sense! Great advise! There sick, ? days are coming to an end! Rise good people and expose them ALL! I

  20. It would be great if you could please provide links to the supporting documentation. Thank you!

    Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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