
纽约州州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)举行了一次关于冠状病毒大流行的简报会,该流行病在纽约州蔓延,该州是美国最积极的病例。


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Live:纽约州州长Andrew Cuomo举行冠状病毒简报| NBC新闻。

  1. Why does China have any ventilators with the number of people they have. Governor CUOMO is seen asking for ventilators in what looks like a hospital in Italy. As a matter of fact it’s the identical room. People smell a rat. People from various states have gone to hospitals and they’re not packed or lines of people outside. I was at two in my state last week and I didn’t see people all over the place. It was like they are normally. The government has some explaining to do. I’d really like to know how Governor CUOMO was representing a hospital in Italy as one in New York. Same exact doctors and nurses. Watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JspUjrdW-1Q&feature=share. ASK THE GOVERNOR TO EXPLAIN THIS?


    We know that the virus is spread by people that are infected via their respiratory droplets. These droplets can land around themselves if they cough or sneeze, or to people around them nearby. The virus can stick to their hands if they touch the fluids in their noses or mouth. The virus can land on surfaces if the infected touch those surfaces. The virus can stay active on stainless steel surfaces for about 48 hrs or longer, and on paper and clothing for about 24 hrs.

    To minimize that spread we have told the infected to put a mask so the viruses in their respiratory droplets are trapped on the mask and don’t fly out far from themselves. This is mask containment of the virus. We have told people to maintain social distance of 3 feet or about 1 meter so when the infected talks and breathes without a mask, his/her breath droplets don’t reach the others around them, yet the virus continue to spread very fast, the number of new cases keep on doubling almost every 3 days.

    So, one question come to mind “Is the virus spreading in another way that we have not yet considering? And the answer is YES. The virus is spreading through the air and at distances more than 3 feet, perhaps as far as 15-30 feet or longer, especially by the infected that are not wearing masks.

    Let me explain, if the virus remains active on surfaces for as long as 48 hours, then the virus will stay active for as long as it is protected and cocooned in the respiratory droplet that came out of the infected. When we exhale respiratory droplets near a glass we fog the glass. In winter we can make fog when we breathe. When we drive in fog one thing you notice is that fog doesn’t fall to the ground, it stays floating in the air. Similarly, exhale air droplets stays in the air for long time. The smaller the droplets the buoyant they are, they float. If there is airflow or wind, the droplets can travel a long way. We don’t know well the electrical polarity of the virus, but it could be that the viruses packed inside a water droplet are holding the droplet through surface tension and their polarity until that droplet touches a surface, breaking and unloading the viruses, like tiny Trojan horses.

    Because these droplets are persistent in the air, people walking by will breathe in these infected droplets; some of them will land on their faces, mouth, eyes, ears, contributing to a larger spread of covid19.

    Let me put things in perspective. The radius of a corona virus, from electron microscope graphs, is of the order of 0.0000375 mm, the radius of a pin head is about 0.75 mm. You can pack a layer of 397 million corona viruses on a pinhead. Now an exhaled droplet has a radius in the order of 5 micrometers or 0.005 mm, which is about the size of a fog droplet. In this droplet, that floats and persist in the air, that moves around to distances longer that 1 meter by airflow or wind, can carry as much as 2.3 million corona viruses. Therefore, the virus is hitching rides to large distances by airflow and wind, spreading itself to many more people.

    I propose a simple experiment for the NIH and the WHO to perform immediately, and it is as follows: place an infected person to read a book out loud at the center of a 30 feet (10 m) wide room for 30 minutes. Place some fans to create airflow and simulate wind near the person, this will carry his/her droplets around the room. After 30 minutes take samples swabs on the walls, floor, and ceiling and test for the virus. I am 100% sure the virus will be found on all surfaces. If healthy people stands there, they would breathe in virus particles, getting infected.

    How can we prevent the spread of the virus if it is persistent in the air? Everybody mask up, 100% of the population must wear a mask, handkerchief, scarf, whatever. The point is we need to hold the droplets on the mask. We all have to act as if we are all infected. Eventually we all are going to get infected, but this mandatory action will reduce the number of infected right away. The infection will continue to spread, but it will be gradual. Our hospitals will be able to handle the sick, and many lives will be saved.

    I was a Nuclear Medical Science Officer with the US Army Public Health Command and I did studies on the health effects of airborne depleted uranium particulates. I have sent this analysis to the Public Health Command, the NIH and the WHO. The use of masks must be obligatory for all citizens.

    MAJ (R) Angel Castellanos, Ph.D

    Public Health Command, US Army.

    Posted in Mass Media.

    April 1, 2020.

  3. This is what Leadership looks like. Reassuring the people that we will get through this.but also being candid and honest with them. I Know there are people who wish he would run for Predodent.but he has said several times it's not a job he aspires to have.

  4. The Democrats and the media are at a new low. Instead of helping and supporting our President…they condemn, criticize and accuse. ABC. CBS. NBC. CNN. MSNBC… are truly outrageously despicable. They seem proud to report deaths.

  5. So true what you Andrew Cuomo are claiming …* what do I know ? *, another unwanted useless speech , while people are sick and dying keep them ventilators in storage ( this is your master plan for Americans).

  6. #CuomoSexual – his popularity will just get Trump wanting to cozy up to him and he’s doing the right thing so we all win (just don’t keep saying you wish he was President yet – that causes trump to be jealous and he will try to take him down)

  7. the biggest problem is big cities. when you have so many people living together that you have to stack them on top of one another you're looking for problems. new york is unclean as well. i don't think the people are dirty it's just what it is.

  8. Trump sent the HydroxyChlorquine and Cuomo and his beuracracy prventing Doctors and pharmacist from dispensing it. Cuomo i know you want ventilators but ventilators might not be needed dispense it your killing people for no reason or just so you can stock up on ventilators

  9. I will neither forget nor allow others to forget Trump's attempt to downplay this virus in Feb. solely in order to bolster the stock market and his personal ratings. he claimed this would all be over in a couple of weeks while US and medical experts worldwide simultaneously were warning of the devastation he denied and we're seeing before us everyday. Nor should people forget how he then tried to gaslight America with the bald faced lie that he knew it was a pandemic before anyone else. This man is probably deranged, but at the very least he is dangerous to America.

  10. We are still in a difficult position but I think there are some good trends in his analysis today. Let us learn to love and I cannot even imagine how anyone can bring themselves to hate the efforts Cuomo is doing this crisis.

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