使用DaVinci Resolve加快编辑速度的5个技巧


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  1. Davinci just isnt there yet.. its slow and clunky and crashes often for me. Just got an nvidia rtx 2070 thinking it would make a difference and it doesnt.

  2. hi man, When using half or a quarter of resolution the video gets smaller inside the canvas. as if scaling it and there are black bars above and to the sides. you can help me with that?

  3. Jay, I have a doubt, my media is in an SSD and I put it to generate the cache but I see that the writing of SSD is no more than 60mbs and the SSD has writing power of 800mbs, you know what it can be?

    Both the program and the media are on SSD but it seems slow to render.

  4. I'm brand new to Davinci Resolve or any video editing software. Is there a comprehensive tutorial you or anyone would recommend for me to get the most out of the program?

    I'm using it to edit YouTube videos and was kind of thrown into the sink or swim mode. Before this it was the same situation with Audacity and I have a fair understanding of it now.

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