





  1. Why even ccompare this virus outbreak death toll to a terrorist attack death toll that was purposely done??…so now this a conspiracy issue about what our government is up to..AGAIN? ?…we all know the government was behind those plotted terrorist attacks ?to begin a “one world” aka “new world order.” ?…The world shutting down possibly…ppl dying, no comparison!!!!! The only comparison is that the government was and is behind both death tolls…in preparation to reset this country and even the world also, how humans will now interact with other. This is all about power & control.

  2. The Chinese government should also defer loan repayments after unleashing this pandemic on the world. Most countries owing Chinese debts are paralyzed.

  3. Covid-19 is Biological Warfare. The death toll will be hundreds of thousands. That's the whole reason for it. Killing. Murder. The Beast has been unleased by the yellow bellied Sap Suckers.

  4. Are you people believe in this also probably believe in the Easter bunny. This is such a blatant fake stupid pandemic. Only 0.3% of the population has been tested which means millions of people have this which means it has a 0.1% mortality rate and you do not shut down planet earth because of that. #fakedemic ..Low life, despicable hippies

  5. Numbers can be deceiving. I prefer percentages. The US has approx. 660 confirmed cases per million, Guernsey has 1344 cases, Belgium -1354, Austria – 1366, Monaco – 1436, Italy – 1750, Spain – 2101, Switzerland – 2621, Luxembourg – 2896, Gibraltar – 3290, Faroe Islands – 3414, Iceland – 3609, Andora – 5119, San Marino – 7077! There are almost 20 countries that have a higher percentage of cases than the US. Also, so far, our fatality rate is lower, and our recovery rate is higher than many other countries. Stay well everyone! <3

  6. Test and hire all the people that are currently out of a job, again simple. You done need a high school diploma to take a corona virus test and help set up beds. All clean hands on deck……..

  7. Convention Center in Manhattan, with a capacity of nearly 3,000 beds; it is being set up to treat non-Covid-19 patients so as to allow mainstream facilities to focus on patients infected with the new coronavirus. Four other temporary medical facilities — with a total of 4,000 beds — are currently being planned for New York’s other boroughs.

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