
欢迎回到“下一代控制台手表2020”,这是我们的新节目,关注着PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X上的所有新闻和谣言。本周,我们将讨论Tsushima的Ghost发行日期可能会告诉我们什么,以及两种不同PlayStation的可能性5个型号。当然,我们将为您提供上周的民意调查结果和一项新民意测验,但首先-索尼对PS5的沉默令人耳目一新。他们在哪里,为什么不给我们任何东西呢?

#ign #gaming。

  1. If we get two PS5 and Xbox Series models this year, which console would you get? Head on over to the top of ign dot com to vote in the poll! See ya next week! – Producer Dan

  2. With the specs now on the table the Xbox Series X is a more powerful and advanced console in terms of quality, performance, hardware and capabilities.

  3. It is possible that Sony has seen the Xbox series x and realized that they will not be able to stay competitive and are trying to improve the console and there will be a delay.

  4. ppl I don't wanna sound wierd or anything but a had a dream about ps5 being portable I had a dream having some kind of advanced psp shape, I have an xbox one s BTW

  5. Sony is struggling to decide if they want to delay release and make their "Pro" model actually be the base model because they're embarassed by X Series' power.

  6. games make the machine and the ps4 lineup this year is more than enough, so happy to wait until 2021 no idea why people are in such a rush to move on to more expensive box's.

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