PC游戏是“由于PlayStation 5(PS5)和Xbox Series X而带来的不便”

engadget的游戏记者表示,由于下一代PlayStation 5(PS5)和Xbox Series X,现在PC游戏不再重要了。听起来很愚蠢,这位游戏记者正试图将这种虚假的叙述/谣言推向游戏迷们所喜欢的,以某种方式,PS5规格和Xbox Series X规格将与Nvidia RTX 2080ti一样强大($ 1200 +图形卡)。这绝对是荒谬的,并且有大约0%的可能性为真。这又是一个无耻的出版物迫切需要一些点击诱饵视图的又一个例子,导致ps5和Xbox Series X的出现。

原始影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mZPvaaAXuD8



  1. irrelevant? hahaha ok buddy, thats why 4 of my friends that have been hardcore console gamers, are building pcs this year or already bought one in the last year. nice job xD haha

  2. It's like that 12 year old console kid grew up and learned nothing. Are we are getting excited about SSDs? I haven't had a HDD in my PC since 2013.

  3. I have nothing against PC gamers I just play console cause I can afford it, but I hate when there is those people who are like "Hahah look at you console pleb, you can't afford a high end PC that costs thousands of dollars" you've got either you can afford a sh*tty PC or a console that will work better then the sh*tty PC, or you get the high end PC that costs thousands of dollars, Its all a price thing for me.

  4. Bunch of idiots. PC gaming is awesome and will be for a long time. Consoles finally being able to perform similarly is only good because multiplats will not be held back that much anymore.

  5. The whole PC gaming is dying thing cracks me up. It's like yeah that was absolutely true from like 2006-2010 or so, but Steam pretty much saved it, and in tandem with most streamers and let's players using PC, it now really is the master race, arguably speaking.

  6. bassed on on leaked specs new consoles os something comparable to ryzen 1600+radeon 5700 (but rdna 2) with nvme ssd, which is ok for strictly playing 1 game without background tasks.

  7. There's a lot of wrong opinions in this video, AND in the comments. If you're open to learn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW-7Y7GbsiY&t=2135s

    The TFlops in the Xbox Series X and 5.5GB/s 12-channel SSD in the PS5 are actually ground breaking. These are 4x faster than last consoles for the same price.
    I think this video commentary is ignorantly belittling the facts here.
    Sure PC's had SSD's in 2010, but no Gaming PC on the planet will have this 12-channel SSD technology for at least a few years, and it could enable open-world games that are impossible to create on PC. We're talking 100GB worlds loaded at once thanks to the SSD bandwidth between it and the GPU thanks to custom I/O controllers your motherboard doesn't have.
    The Series X is as fast as the 2080 Super, so unless you have a 2080ti, or you're buying an RTX 3070, 3080(ti), or RX 5950(X), yes it will beat everyone's PC for $500.
    These aren't PC gaming replacements, but considering they reach at least 120hz, and now natively support mouse and keyboard… it's actually not a bad idea to just use a console for 2 years until PC catches up unless you have a Zen 2 or 9900K system already, AND are willing to drop $450-600, or the price of these consoles, on a GPU this fall to match them.
    Open your wallets, its a good thing to push PC gaming to be cheaper once again, just embrace it.

  8. PC will still live because :
    a) It has enough buttons
    b) FPS with mouse
    c) Upgradeable
    d) Backward compatible
    e) Emulators
    f) Mods
    And many more

  9. Sigh I thought this was going to be an actual interesting difference in PC and and console comparison. What I wanted was comparing specs as in if the console has this then the PC equivalent is this I just wanted to know about what lvl we are looking at since I'm still learning about PC stuff

  10. No he's not wrong about the 2080 ti price comparison, consoles dont make much money of consoles sold, they make money by selling games, online passes and other stuff, the bulk of consoles are sold at a loss

  11. The Xbox One X is around a 1060, maybe abit higher. It's actually a decent system, it plays DMC5 at a constant 60fps at 1080p. Its no where near a 1080ti. wtaf are they talking about…

    Tflops is a measurement of floating point ops per second. I honestly never heard the term used before until the One X was wanked with it. Usually people base graphic power on clock speed or cuda cores.

    Whats funny is that my PC that is still using a gtx 970 can get better performance in some games than my xbox one X.

    What lets it down X down is that subpar shit bird cpu.

  12. As a PC Gamer, I'm actually excited that the new consoles are ridiculously powerful. That means, consoles won't be holding PC games back anymore. RDNA 2 will also be released on PC's and you best better bet I'm going to upgrade my GTX 1060 6GB to one!

  13. Every console peasant seems to keep forgetting that the hardware is still in the works and won't be out until christmas. Do they think PC component manufacturers are currently sitting on their arses developing nothing for 2020?

  14. It wont kill pc gaming but when they do come out or at least the series x it might put pc in a bit of competition for a couple of years. From what I've seen the series x is close to the rtx and also the series x will have ray tracing with possibly really good framerate and good visuals. The xbox or ps5 will most likely not curbstomp pc but it will possibly be a nice way to play.

  15. something you are forgetting is, console games are very well optimized, a console with shitty specs can pull way more than a pc with similar specs, im a pc user

  16. @Griffin Gaming has his YouTube channel suspended because this guy is so sad he has to go to Twitter and attack people over PC gaming. So basically I proved my point. PC Gamers should kill themselves.

  17. @Griffin Gaming has his YouTube channel suspended because this guy is so sad he has to go to Twitter and attack people over PC gaming. So basically I proved my point. PC Gamers should kill themselves.

  18. Sure Xbox Series X and PS5 MIGHT be better than RTX 2060 – 2070 – 2080.
    But in just 1 or 2 years, PC will surpass and shit on them both lol.

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