

未成年人的年龄没有被释放,但受害者确实有潜在的病情。令人震惊的消息传来之际,这座城市的卫生专员警告说,即将到来的一个月可能比这更致命。州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)竭尽全力在暴风雨来临前加强防御。

库莫在周一的每日简报中说:“如果有一个团结的时刻,那么现在就到了。这种病毒不会歧视。它会攻击所有人,而且到处攻击。” “从第一天开始,这种病毒就领先于我们。我对这种病毒的追赶感到厌倦。当您在追赶追赶时,您永远都不会赢。 ,您错过了手术的重点。仅为今天做准备是一个根本性的错误。”

美国最高专家,传染病专家安东尼·福西(Anthony Fauci)博士和白宫冠状病毒工作队应对协调员黛博拉·伯克斯(Deborah Birx)博士说,到大流行退潮时,美国可能至少有100,000例死亡。甚至可能翻倍。相比之下,根据CDC,2018-19年美国流感季节夺去了34,200人的生命。福西说,前一年的“流感季节很严重”,死亡人数几乎是这一数字的两倍。

他周一告诉美国有线电视新闻网,这次爆发“显然比那还要糟。” 。

  1. 09:17 … STOP trying to be MORE DRAMATIC than you need to be … why not just say 'it affects every one' … instaed of saying … … "patients are coming in to the hospitals; are – under 10, in their teens's, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's & even people in ther 90's … We are getting all ages come in."

  2. I predicted this would come over 30yrs ago! It is in fact part of the predictions within the bible! HELLO All you Zombies out there wake the hell up! GOD HAS WARNED YOU, time and time again in the bible! why are you so surprised now?
    So why would God allow such evil to befall us? God despises ABORTION, in God's eyes abortion is cold blooded murder! The bible says the innocent blood shed cries out unto God for vengeance! Democrats claim their body is their own to do with as they please! God says I created you and gave you life and you were bought for a price, and you are not your own, but belong to the one you serve be it either God or satan, there are no other options! The bible says children are a precious gift from God to mankind. God said while he formed you in the womb, he knew you!
    God said those who would strike the fruit of the womb and cause it to die should themselves also die! Those who would harm these little ones would be better that they had never been born! And in most of the worst traps for this killer virus are in fact legal late term abortion states and cities! In NYC even 9 month child murder abortion is legal! The bible says they cry out unto God for justice! Is God allowing mankind a taste of his own medicine? Is God now exercising his abortion rights by not protecting us from this plague? For God said I set before you the book (Bible) of life and of death, of blessings and of cursings, there fore choose life! For God does not desire that any should perish but that all should turn to him and repent and so be saved.
    God didn't create suffering and death, the spirit of satan did, God simply decides to protect

  3. This is what idiots do when schools are closed and when they are paid to not work: they go to the parks, gather and play! They go to take picture and selfies in front of a docking hospital ship.

  4. I sometimes wonder if its the high number of persons on some kind of drugs forcing them to leave their quarantine home seeking to get a fix if this is so it will be a problem that will cause many lifes to be taken away why is it so hard for grown folks to be acting so carefree its just plain stupidity

  5. Y'all know what my state is now under State Emergency after National emergency too. We feel like on a lockdown and isolation too. Our government or mayor done call it too. Only time we are out unless we go pay bills or get gas or buy groceries like food or supplies or drinks or medicine too. Like we can get medicine from the pharmacy too. But for anything else well it's against the rules and we can get in alot of trouble too. I mean we have to go back home and stay inside doors and stay at home too. No butts ors or ifs about it too. Huh. Our government is trying keep the virse from coming inside Virginia. Our government is trying look after our people safely too. Huh. It's tradegy or sad though. I mean everything else is close or shut down though. Except for groceries stores or gas station and banks and kinda like that too. Although when we pay our bills got to be online or by phone or drive through by company or bank too. We can't go inside the doors cuz it's close too. So yeah I had to stay at home and try to take care of myself and take it easy some too. I have to be careful too. Stay safe and sound too. Stay healthy and alive too. I mean it's hard or complicated too. But I am a survivor too. Huh.

  6. half the people they say died from covid 19 died from something else make sure y'all get autopsy done God for bid y'all lose a love one

  7. You are contagious for 2 weeks before you show symptoms. I don't care what they say wear a homemade mask until they can make enough good masks for everyone. Coronavirus has already been in that nursing home for over two weeks. If those people are already dead. God bless them women They really love those people.

  8. Come on now China did not report the true severity of their outbreak. If someone was 80+ and died of covid19, they say he died of old age. Its a communist state, censorship is normal.

  9. Trump said, trade wars were easy to win. History says, trade wars lead to real wars. Do you feel like a bomb has gone off. Have a good day.

  10. Thank God for the help from US "COMFORT" Navy – and temporary hospital in Central Park should be made sooner.. people's in NY just don't get it or what not to understand about self distance & stay home for their own health?! prayers for all

  11. 4:25 "The reason I'm wearing a mask is because this a hot zone right now"….Uh no, the reason should be because everyone with access to one should wear one right now. It's strange how people in the west think about masks. 5:13 WTF?? Did they turn them into bibs to wear?

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