

  1. if these prosecutor's were charged for knowingly prosecuting an innocent man..we would have less wrongful convictions. In all my years of following wrongfull convictions….only 1 prosecutor has acknowledged his mistakes and apologized personally to the victim.

  2. The Prison industrial complex is a modification of Jim Crow and slavery. Through bureaucracy, systemic corruption, and the privatization of our prison system, the slave trade has been shifted from using racial identity as the reasoning to justify private individuals to owning people, to using financial classism as the justification for corporations and the government to owning people. America the beautiful…..

  3. The system along with all the workers has been garbage since forever. Non of that matters until it happens to you or someone you know. It's just how America works. Power and greed will always be there and will never go away.

  4. The lady at the end said the best thing a lawyer can do is get an innocent guy out of prison … They should also get the dirty lawyer to finish off their time for them.

  5. This is why the death penalty shouldn't exist. The justice system gets it wrong so so so many times and generations of people have suffered for it. That's why I'm wary of people who treat ex-cons badly even after they finished serving their time. You never know their full story and you never know if you're simply adding to the trauma of persecuting a wrongfully convicted person…or someone who was rightfully convicted because of a victimless crime like being caught with small amounts of weed or something. This trailer makes me think of When They See Us and 13th and it's sad to see the law working against the innocent.

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