冷钢IV的踪迹-公告预告片| PS4

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传奇的结尾随着《 Trails of Cold Steel IV》的临近!在这个处于战争边缘的国家和他们最大的光芒现在不见了的情况下,来自世界各地的英雄们必须站在一起面对新出现的威胁。在这里决定为更美好的未来而战!


  1. Who is the girl with Blond twirls with Campanella? Is that Mariabell Crois? No spoilers if she is specific to Cold Steel 4 please.

  2. 1:02 Oh hi Noire/Black Heart. Didn't know you were making a cameo in this.

    Just a joke. I know who it actually is, but she just looks incredibly similar to the mentioned character.

  3. i heard CS3 ending was painful so i finished chapter 4 and waiting for the CS4 release. Until then, i won't touch the final chapter in CS3

  4. Can't wait for this to release on PC in early 2020. Now I just gotta wait for Ys IX to have an official western release announcement.

  5. Yesterday i told myself that the one thing that would lift my spirits during the pandemic would be a trails of cold steel announcement. Fate is strange but fantastic at times. I just wish 1 & 2 would release on the switch at some point.

  6. I really liked ToCS 1 and 2. Part 3 however lost me hard. The fact that almost every single female character just throws herself at Rean got really annoying. And the constant "fight a Boss or multiple enemies, then more enemies show up and Rean tries to summon Valimar but gets interrupted by characters from the previous games" got reeeeeeally old after the fifth time…

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