《 Cold Steel IV的踪迹-公告预告片》(PS4,Nintendo Switch,PC)

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传奇的结尾随着《 Trails of Cold Steel IV》的临近!在这个处于战争边缘的国家和他们最大的光芒现在不见了的情况下,来自世界各地的英雄们必须站在一起面对新出现的威胁。在这里决定为更美好的未来而战!


  1. I just got into this series by beating the Trails in the Sky games during the quarantine and they are now my favorite RPGs! Thanks NIS for finishing the Trails of cold steel series up for us fans in the west!

    I wish we could play the other two games that never came here, though, I heard they are referenced throughout Cold Steel. And I see some of my favorite characters make a cameo in this game…

  2. nice surprise to Nintendo Switch owners, I am happy that Nihon Falcom is now paying attention to nintendo players. What about the first two games? Will be cool if they come too.

  3. pc 2021…. sad face 🙁 I mean come on the ps5 will be out before 2021 you cant expect people to buy a ps4 to play the game half a year early. When will these stupid timed exclusivity end honestly

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