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一手执掌Vero的导演,这是《正义联盟》的诚实预告片:Snyder Cut!



语音旁白:乔恩·贝利(Jon Bailey)又名史诗般的语音男
制作人:Spencer Gilbert,Joe Starr,Dan Murrell和Max Dionne
编辑:凯文·威廉森(Kevin Williamsen)
后期制作主管:Emin Bassavand
生产协调员:Ryan O“ Toole


  1. I had to pause the video and do a torrent search, then a google search to see why I haven't watched this, and then disappointingly found this is not actually real

  2. LMAO!!! Marvel paying off critics to bad mouth DC movies?!? ??????????.

    Proven fact justice league, Harlequin movie, Suicide Squad, Superman Returns and many other DC movies suck on their own. Batman and his villains are what is holding DC up and still DC can’t get that right. The first 2 Nolan films were amazing. Aquaman was ok and Wonder Woman in my opinion was way overrated.

    Even when I was a kid collecting comics after a shipment comes in the DC comics were always last to get bought or they were marked down.

  3. You know, I don't think ANYONE expects the Synder cut to be good… just fit together better… cause like… you can see 2 different director's influence in the movie… which makes it kinda worse… at least with a Snyder cut… we'd get a bad movie that's more consistent in tone

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