

2020年3月16日,演员伊德里斯·厄尔巴(Idris Elba)宣布他的冠状病毒测试呈阳性,并在推特上写道:






“看,我们现在生活在一个分裂的世界中。我们都能感觉到。 […] 但是现在是团结的时候了。现在是时候考虑一​​下了。 […] 保持乐观。不要害怕。”



Idris Elba | 0:16
Daniel Dae Kim | 1:17
安迪·科恩| 2:23
科尔顿·安德伍德| 3:25
哈维·温斯坦| 4:35
兰德·保罗| 5:35
查尔斯王子| 6:57
鲍里斯·约翰逊| 8:14
戴维布赖恩| 9:14
Sabrina Dhowre | 10:00
亚伦·特维特| 10:43
劳拉·贝尔·邦迪(Laura Bell Bundy)| 11:20


  1. We wish these recently diagnosed celebrities (including previously announced ones such as Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, and Kristofer Hivju) and everyone else affected by this outbreak our very best.

  2. Why should we worry about the rich and shameless. They do not care about us. If they did they wouldn’t shove political views down our throats

  3. I couldn't give a rats ass about celebrities and politicians getting this virus. Why should they be immune? Why should we care? You think they. care about you? That's a great big NO.

  4. You have to be open and say something because when you're not it Just f** the rest of the world that God be with you all who's been exposed in the ones that have lost my heart is so deep for you guys to just don't get it 1011 light may God spread the word shine bright like a diamond as one singer would say

  5. We need to understand must be pray everybody is a victim but there are so many survivors I'm a Survivor I'm not a victim God be with all those people chair I think that Mike stop everything it can't God can?????????

  6. This Virus sure does seem to be hitting democrats more so than anyone else. New York, Seattle, California, New Orleans. All the leftist hot spots. Also all these Hollywood celebrities as well as Cuomo from CNN.
    Wonder why.

  7. It is up to the people around the world to take action, not just our Governments. Consider this virus as a Zombie, this thing is highly contagious, just a breath or touch, not a bite can infect you and it feeds on people from the inside out and replicates. “There Is No Vaccine for the uninfected." "There is No Cure or treatment for the infected, that exists at this time except supportive care!

    You can’t out run it, and it is up to us to eradicate this virus by stop passing it around and starve this mean-ass little sucker to death, it is our lives, not our Government and what we do as whole is going to matter.

    Regardless of what tomorrow may bring, there is only one way to eradicate this virus and that is to remove the food source. 330 million Americans and billions around the world for the virus to feed on and the best we can do is to starve this Corvid-19-Zombie-CCP-Virus to death.

    Be safe, stay healthy and may your God be with you.

  8. Listen people very few people will die from this virus compared to all the other things going on in the world more babies are killed through abortion and this will ever take out

  9. Who really cares about these elite self proclaimed caretakers of the world and humanity. I wish people of the world would make up and realize it is them who is giving these idiots the power because the mindless minions worship them. People please wake up, give your head a shake.

  10. We don’t care what celebrities have it! We’re all worried about our own families and they don’t give a shit about any of us. At least these ones are being smart or they just want more publicity and need to be on camera.

  11. I've had a virus for 11 mths! But couldn't get tested my dr says not enough test kits! Think I'm over it now but am staying home as much as possible! My 31 yr old nephew is in critical condition with the virus! He had no underlying health conditions! The virus affects everyone! Please disregard trump! Stay home! Listen to the medical experts!

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