吸引力法则冥想-加快表现-功能强大! (新)

Online免费在线大师课程和冥想MP3下载➡️​​“如何为轻松表现而训练你的大脑!” https://youniversecourse.com/masterclass-lp/
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★在这里购买我的新书“ 50条吸引力练习法则,技巧和窍门,以锻炼自己的思想并增强表现力”:➜http://amzn.to/2hV9o91








克里斯托弗·劳埃德·克拉克(Christopher Lloyd Clarke)创作的音乐作品“ A Pure Embrace”。由Enlightened Audio授权。

请订阅我的频道,以获取更多吸引人的规律并掌握自己的思维方式视频。 https://www.youtube.com/c/youryouniversechannel














吸引力法则|头脑秘密强大关键成功|生活|培训|教练|个人|业务|扬声器|发展|灵感|动机|公开演讲|领导力|市场营销|管理|教练(行业)|销售|励志|正面|企业家研讨会|励志|新2016 |吸引力冥想法则。

  1. Thank you Universe ???❤️ for bringing back my one true love , Daniel into my life . I’m extremely grateful that you’ve given us a second chance and we are so happy! Everything we have been through has been worth it. This time we are NOT going to break up ☺️??. He is the love of my life; as I am his ?. Ever since we’ve worked through our differences , we haven’t been arguing or fighting, we don’t even have disagreements?. Our relationship has been filled with love ??, laughter ?❤️, and Joy ??. Daniel is the man of my dreams and we are now 10 times stronger. Daniel decided he wants to settle down with me in a monogamous relationship – we are loyal to one another. Daniel realized he wants me and only me , I am his one and only true love and now we talk about marriage and having children !! We even planned to start trying a month after our wedding . We are moving in together really soon . Daniel makes up for all the time we lost being broken up by making sure Anastasia and I are happy. He even surprises me with gifts and flowers and calls me beautiful nick names like “Queen” and “Sunshine”. Now we spend our days studying Anatomy , taking care of our daughter Anastasia, enjoying our time together , eating my home cooking , having INCREDIBLE sex and of course planning our future . Thank you universe ??? for blessing us, I am so happy and so is he. Daniel and I are looking forward to our future together and growing old together . Ever since he has committed to me has not regretted it . Every morning we shower together and have coffee and it puts us in a good mood to start the day . We laugh and smile . He no longer complains about my depression , instead he is understanding and wipes my tears . We’ve planned the perfect wedding and I am so grateful . He doesn’t hide me and now I have a relationship with his friends and family . Everything is absolutely perfect . I love you Daniel James jr. thank you for making me your wife with Gods will and the universes attraction. Thank you for universe for all you have given me ❤️Thank you for blessing me with the best husband ever. He truly is the man of my dreams and I’m so glad you’ve been able to see that and give that to me . I promise I will care for him and love him endlessly. Thank you god, thank you universe. I put my trust and faith in you universe ?. I am happy and thankful. I’m glad he and I will have a happy home and be a happy family . Thank you for all the many blessing universe ?❤️!

  2. why i can’t do this. I can’t even imagine this light driving through me. Please help i feel like i need it and this is the key to my awareness but i can’t relax, i can’t think i can’t breathe

  3. I discovered this meditation last year, when I moved out of my country and had hard time with my ex. The time I’ll tell may vary according to the people’s experience on law of attraction or how open they are(because I’ve been meditating almost every day for the past 4 years), but within a week my life started to change positively. I listened to it every day, and I felt happier and more productive. I thought everything comes to me easier, and guess what? It did! My life drastically changed in just 2 months and I even lost excess weight! It’s been a while since I’ve listened to it, because I was going on with other meditations. Now I’m back, because I simply missed it! Highly recommending this one. Just be open, and don’t give up:) time works different for each of us. You’ll get there!

  4. Can I ask, please? What does this really do? I don´t understand. Can I use this as some sort of a booster? I´m listening to a subliminal. If I listen to this, will this literally "speed up my subliminal manifestations"? (Sorry for my english.)

  5. Love this! Me and my babyfather are separated at the moment but I believe the power of the mind and I saw fireworks, tears, confessions and a ring! I believe this time apart is a test for the time we will be together for the rest of our lives all obstacles won’t break us! I always manifest but I’ve stopped. This helped me get back on track ? thank you

  6. I am healed from cancer in my right elbow. I have my life back.
    I sleep well.
    I thank you for your prayers
    Thank you
    I love you ❤️

    Everything is healed

    Estoy sanado del cáncer en mi codo derecho. Tengo mi vida de regreso
    Duermo bien.
    Gracias por sus oraciones.
    Muchas gracias
    Te amo ❤️

  7. I am grateful for everything I have in my life. And I’m grateful for the €10.000.000 million I have received ❤️??.

  8. Anyone else struggle with finding this voice kinda creepy and having to turn it off cause it gives you a bad vibe?? …….. maybe I just watch too many horror movies

  9. Will be updating per week if something great happens to me, after listening to this meditation daily as the first thing in the morning time.. have a blessed morning to all.. namaste? ❤️ see you on 9th of march…

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