


  1. make the full game already.
    All you need is to create a forum and debate about how the game could happen.
    Call all SH fans and let them talk each others, then make the game following their recomandations.

    (sorry about my bad english but i hope you get the idea)

  2. Just finished this bad boy days ago.Congratulations man,I always wanted a legit P.T experience and this was it.After finishing it I was thinking ,,Now I got it,it's mine now,It will be archived forever'' . P.S put some cockroaches

  3. Thank you for this. It's awesome to see such a talented PT fan trying to revive the horror phenomenon that broke the Internet and started a revolution in survival horror. Please keep the VR optional instead of removing it completely. Horror masterpieces are better to be lived in VR!!

  4. Damn good job mate!
    Thanks for all these hours of work you put on this project!
    I really hope your hard work and talent will not go to waste and i also hope that this video and your game will have the fame it deserves!!!

  5. Unreal playable teaser? you people do know you been calling it playable teaser the entire time instead of calling it by its actual name Silent Hills….

  6. more footage is necessary for criticism, if this recreation doesn't look the slightest bit similar to the original then the next video gets my approval of a thumbs-down

  7. ok, i just want to say, don't remove VR support. not everyone gets motion sickness. and others grew past that. for me and my friends, we only experienced motion sickness during our 1st couple of days in VR. we don't anymore and we can play the games as long as any other game.

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