
没有人永远运行。克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)是#TheMule,在12月14日上映。



华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures),命令式娱乐(Imperative Entertainment)和BRON Creative推出了克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)的最新故事片《戏剧》。除了导演以外,这位资深演员还将与其他明星布拉德利·库珀,劳伦斯·菲什伯恩,迈克尔·佩尼亚,黛安·维斯特和安迪·加西亚,艾莉森·伊斯特伍德,塔伊莎·法米加,伊格纳西奥·塞里基奥和洛伦·迪恩一起再次站在镜头前尤金·科尔德罗(Eugene Cordero)。

伊士活饰演伯爵·斯通(Earl Stone),他是一个80年代的男人,一个人破产,独自一人,当他被提供的工作仅要求他开车时,面临着丧失赎回权的事情。这很容易,但是厄尔不为人所知,他刚刚签约成为墨西哥卡特尔的毒贩。他做得很好-实际上,他的货物成倍增加,伯爵被分配了一名搬运工。但是他不是伯爵唯一能保持警惕的人。神秘的新药ule子也轰动了DEA经纪人科林·贝茨(Colin Bates)的角色。即使他的金钱问题已成为过去,伯爵过去的错误也开始给他带来沉重的负担,而且不确定他是否有时间纠正这些错误,然后执法部门或卡特尔的执行者才能追上他。

自从奥斯卡奖得主伊斯特伍德(Eastwood)出演2009年备受赞誉的“格兰·都灵(Gran Torino)”以来,这是奥斯卡奖得主伊斯特伍德(Eastwood)的首次摄影。

饰演贝茨(Bates)的库珀(Cooper)因与伊斯特伍德(Eastwood)的合作而获得了最近的奥斯卡提名,该演员在《美国狙击手》中担任演员并出品。接下来,他将在他的长片导演处女作《星辰诞生》中露面。奥斯卡提名人菲什伯恩(TV的“黑眼圈”是“与它有什么相干”)扮演了DEA特工的角色; Peña(即将上映的“蚂蚁与黄蜂”,Netflix的“ Narcos”)扮演同伴;奥斯卡奖得主Wiest(伯乐的前妻)饰演了“百老汇的子弹”,“汉娜和她的姐妹们”,电视台的“零碎生活”。奥斯卡提名人加西亚(“教父:第三部分”)扮演卡特尔老板。艾莉森·伊斯特伍德(Alison Eastwood,以下简称“铁轨与领带”)扮演伯爵的女儿;法米加(“尼姑”)扮演伯爵的孙女; Serricchio(Netflix的《迷失在太空》,《婚戒》)扮演伯爵的卡特尔经理;迪恩(“太空牛仔”)扮演另一个经纪人; Cordero(“ Kong:骷髅岛”)担任卡特尔成员。

克林特·伊斯特伍德(克林特·伊斯特伍德)(克林特·伊斯特伍德)(《萨利》,《美国狙击手》),由尼克·申克(“格兰·都灵”)的电影编剧导演,灵感来自《纽约时报》杂志的文章《萨那罗亚·卡特尔的90岁毒品Drug子》,萨姆·多尼克。伊斯特伍德(Eastwood)还与蒂姆·摩尔(Tim Moore),克里斯蒂娜·里维拉(Kristina Rivera)和杰西卡·迈耶(Jessica Meier)以及帝国娱乐公司的丹·弗里德金和布拉德利·托马斯(Der Friedkin and Bradley Thomas)一起在他的Malpaso旗帜下制作了这部电影。这部电影的执行制片人是戴夫·贝纳德(Dave Bernad),鲁本·弗莱舍(Ruben Fleischer),托德·霍夫曼(Todd Hoffman)和亚伦·吉尔伯特(Aaron Gilbert)。 Jillian Apfelbaum和David M. Bernstein共同制作。

伊斯特伍德在幕后的团队包括摄影总监伊夫·贝朗格(YvesBélanger,布鲁克林,达拉斯买手俱乐部)和制作设计师凯文·石冈(Kevin Ishioka,巴黎15:17),以及长期的服装设计师黛博拉·霍珀(Deborah Hopper)和获得奥斯卡奖的编辑乔尔·考克斯(Joel Cox,“无法原谅”),多年来一直与伊斯特伍德(Eastwood)合作完成多个项目。

与命令式娱乐公司,马尔巴索制片公司BRON Creative联合举办的华纳兄弟影业演示,“ M子”将于2018年12月14日在华纳兄弟影业发行的影院上映。 。

  1. I watched this movie in 2019. And if I new who was the main actor, I would have watched every single peace of it carefuly.
    !!!Clint Eastwood!!!

  2. there’s two different types of people in this world, people with loaded guns, and people who dig -Clint Eastwood in the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

  3. Weird that they used one of the most beautiful and inspiring themes- the theme from the 18th variation of Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini — to color this trailer, which overall was pretty raw and intense.

  4. Eastwood great story stupid. It's based on catching the lowest man on the pecking order. Replaced 30 seconds later. And the cops are so proud of this. Lame story. It would have been entertaining if he outsmarted the cartel, got them busted and got away. Must be running out of good stories in Hollywood

  5. Clint needs to take testo and GH now, so he can live a little bit longer.
    Get blood from kids also, and he will be 100 years ?

  6. i suppose so,, for what itz worth I am sorry for everything,,gotta sense that someone pressured the old guy!! God Bless Clint Eastwood and Sarah Burns of Beverly Hills!!!

  7. I was a little disappointed with "The Mule," but overall I think it is an excellent movie, and I also think Clint Eastwood should have been nominated to an Oscar for his performance. The sequence with Bradley Cooper in the dinner, and the last moments with Dianne Wiest are very emotional and thought provoking.

  8. 1990's Clint Eastwood: i'm 60 years old
    2000's Clint Eastwood: i'm 70 years old
    2010's Clint Eastwood: i'm 80 years old
    2020's Clint Eastwood: i'm 90 years old
    2030's Clint Eastwood: i am 100 years old
    2059 Clint Eastwood: i'm 129 years old.

    let's see if he can still live 40 years later.

  9. Don't let the old man in. Ask yourself how old you'd be If you didn't know the day you were born? Go Eastwood! You're the GOAT when it comes to actors and directors.

  10. 188 videos and it’s not the full movie like advertised, your advertisement that’s just something ////////Did you go to college

  11. Clickbait, so many of your people don’t have one molecule of originality, you just copy and paste debate clerk it’s just sad

  12. Hard to imagine but Clint reused costumes from his old movies in this. One that particularly stands out was the suit he wore at the end which was actually his costume in the movie "In the line of fire" Massive Clint fan and really enjoyed "The Mule"

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