
将于本周一到期的联邦“全屋服务指南”已延长至至少4月底。据报道,全美国有超过143,000例冠状病毒病例,已有2500多人死亡。到目前为止,纽约拥有最多的案件,超过59,000,但在路易斯安那州,密歇根州,伊利诺伊州和加利福尼亚州等州,案件数量迅速增加。大卫·贝格纳德(David Begnaud)报告了疫情可能恶化的严重程度。 。

  1. TRUMP THE CONFIDENCE MAN has issued a "signing statement" that he will not acknowledge, obey, follow, nor support the rules governing oversight of the Big company bailouts. He said HE would be the oversight of the stimulus monies to Corporations. I'll keep saying it-STOP HIM!!! CONFIDENCE MAN TRUMP KEEPS ANGLING FOR A "SLUSH FUND" (the Wall, ACA, & DACA) NO 'SLUSH FUND" FOR YOU…

  2. "DIRTY MONEY" Everyone with a Netflix account; Season 1, Episode 6. He has NOT changed. He is lying to the American people. He is using this Public Health Crisis to play on the blind emotions of "fear" gaining ground. HE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. HE IS NOT A PRESIDENTIAL LEADER. HE IS NOT A PUBLIC SERVANT; THUS HE WILL NOT BE OF SERVICE TO ANY AMERICAN.

  3. I work at Target in Texas and I am the cart cleaner, and we use like bleach. We also have to stay 6 ft apart and wipe down every register after each guest. But I still see soooo many people coming in for the heck of it just to hangout with people. It’s ridiculous people aren’t taking this serious still.

  4. Hey CBS and the reporters!! You are NOT broadcasting the news entirely…what you are broadcasting is FEAR!! What about all the positive things that have happened to mitigate the epidemic? HUH? When are you going to broadcast those things that are being done to fight this epidemic? HUH? …and most of all….why should I watch your news anymore???????????? you should be ashamed of yourself for spreading only the FEAR!!

  5. I dont know why you heat to wear a mask,maybe we cant do anything for the conovirus,but protecting yourselves is the biggest contribution,pls stay at home,wash your hands often,reducing the times of going out, and wear a mask when you need go out.

  6. Worse case scenario we all get it. According to the stats, you can look them up as well, 95% of the cases around the world have been mild. 5% have been serious. That's still a lot of deaths but nobody seems to mention the people that are recovering or have recovered. Shouldn't that be good news? Sure theres no vaccine yet which sucks especially for people that have preexisting conditions. But experts think that immunity to the virus might last a long time after exposure. It's not proven yet though.

  7. And all the states whining about not having enough ventilators…news flash…every state doesn't have enough. That's not the president's fault. And complaining that they arrive broken, yeah it sucks….but let's be real here. Have you never received a "fragile " package in the mail and open to see it smashed. Why do you think we have Appliance Outlets, they sell scratches and dented appliances that were banged I shipping. The media is the real virus

  8. for Corona patients Aert. use kalanchloe pinnata leafs tea 3 times a day when patient in quarantine. it's helpful in respiratory infections and decrease mucus . it's herbal treatment also search this

  9. I’m sick just very very sick about this why not our government take care of all the bills people force to stay home I knew this will happen may Allah the Almighty help us

  10. Today I rise to celebrate local news anchor Bill Ritter of WABC-TV
    Eyewitness News, along with a few talking heads on CNN, who are standing against
    the corrupting marketing trend currently engulfing an entire industry consumed by
    appearance journalism, proving once and for all the phoney has no place when it
    comes to truth telling…especially when its linked to one’s personal appearance…and
    how integrity is  presented using news
    and information which is the coin of the realm…currently being smeared by hair
    dye and hot lips…

  11. The USA is a Forsaken nation Now!…all i heard in the streets of new york ambulances,sirens carrying the dying!…i never seen anything like it!…people think that they are save in the hospitals,but what they dont know that's their final destination!

  12. Notice how religious fanatics all over the world are making the pandemic worse by gathering idiots in large groups, KISSING AND LICKING SHRINES in Iran, selling bogus "cures," and pretending "GOD" (or whatever you call your imaginary friend in the sky) will protect the faithful from the disease and encouraging the gullible to ignore scientific medicine. There is NO CRISIS, EMERGENCY or TRAGEDY which RELIGION cannot make MUCH WORSE!

  13. A single death is hard, hundreds of thousands deaths is real TRAGIC….. It is such a difficult time for us all …Millions THANKS to all docotrs, nurses and all all people who are involved in helping and saving our lives.You're our HEROES.Please God ? hope its over and I hope that a VACCINE will be invented soon? . TOGETHER we can fight this virus….??? Watch this video to find out where ? the COVID 19 started,myths and facts ? .An interesting and must know video that sums it all up ? Watch now ? ​https://youtu.be/wUDW76JGcrY

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