

一群盗贼计划进行最终的抢劫,利用飓风作为掩护从位于阿拉巴马州墨西哥湾沿岸的美国财政设施中窃取6亿美元。当暴风雨炸毁致死的CATEGORY 5类时,他们精心设计的计划变得不对劲,他们发现自己只需要一个女性财政部特工知道的保险库代码,这种需求就变得致命。但是,财政部的经纪人找到了一个不太可能的盟友,一名气象学家对飓风感到恐惧,但决心拯救被盗贼绑架的疏远兄弟。他以对风暴的了解为武器,在这场不间断的动作/惊悚片中击败了坏人。 。

  1. They say not to judge a book by its cover but holy swirling dog shit I would bet both my testicles this will be a flaming piece of dumpster vomit. How the fuck did anyone wrap this up, watch the trailer and go "yep, I'm proud of that"? I'm literally experiencing 3rd party embarrassment just watching the god damned trailer.

  2. As resident of Florida, I’m upmost positive that no storm can reach 600 mph maybe around 100-150, and that hurricanes aren’t dark like that. Sure it can rip stuff up but not to this extent but tornados definitely do a lot more than a hurricane . Still gonna see it, looks fun.

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