OCEAN' S 8-官方第一部预告片


每个弊端都有其优点。由桑德拉·布洛克(Sandra Bullock),凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett),安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway),敏迪·卡林(Mindy Kaling),莎拉·鲍尔森(Sarah Paulson),奥克瓦菲娜(Awkwafina)饰演,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)和海伦娜(Helena Bonham)卡特(Helena Bonham Carter)。



  1. So many toxic males here complaining about the all female cast. What, are we living in the 1950s or something? The time when actresses were the damsels in distress is long gone!

  2. “You could never put together a heist with women. Like Ocean’s 11 wouldn’t work because 2 would keep breaking off to talk shit about the other 9.” -John Mulaney, 2012

  3. Why is everyone hating on this movie? Just because its a female remake doesn't make it bad. Why are you whining about it? If you don't like it that's okay. But why hate on it?

  4. They were alll pissed cause a hundred million people didn't go and watch this garbage. Bitches need to stop trying to better the successes of men and figure their own shit out.

  5. Only watched because of kim Kardashian, and she was in it for a few seconds. You used her name to gain more popularity, I remember before the movie came out,all news outlet were reporting she'd make a cameo.

  6. They never learn stop making all female cast movies they don’t work stop making them happen and no one give a shit about women empowerment and feminism fuck you ?feminism

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