
Feng Timo – Jiu Shi Ai Ni (cover)
微博 冯提莫 | 微信公众号 fengtimo520 | B站直播间 1314
如有版权问题可联系小编,邮箱 [email protected] .

  1. 希望冯提莫姐姐不单单只是唱歌,更多是了解歌词后,再用唱来表达,会比较好,因为提莫姐姐好像每一首歌听感处理都一样,并没有表达歌词的意境,提莫姐姐的歌声最好的优势是甜,像王心凌一样,但这么多年直播,是否追求一些突破,哈哈哈,加油,姐姐

  2. Here, we have, the common simp. In their latural habitat.

    These fine specimen of the wild, SIMP, are here. Hunting for attention.

    This, is a warzone, contaminated with compliments, and bat soup banter.

  3. ??️♥️?我更爱你,因为你穿着我最喜欢的红色和黑色。我永远的特殊天使幼鸟,我爱你直到我死,甚至在天堂,因为你应得的宇宙!
    Wǒ gèng ài nǐ, yīnwèi nǐ chuānzhuó wǒ zuì xǐhuān de hóngsè hé hēisè. Wǒ yǒngyuǎn de tèshū tiānshǐ yòu niǎo, wǒ ài nǐ zhídào wǒ sǐ, shènzhì zài tiāntáng, yīnwèi nǐ yīng dé de yǔzhòu!

  4. There is that little white bundle of joy…Han Han. And Timo #1 Hope your Day is wonderful….Love to you from the other side of this rock ,we call Earth……

  5. 大家都爱冯提莫,我觉得大家都感受的到这份爱~而不忘初心的七仙女们,她们的爱,只有信仰的力量才能展现~封心锁爱,不忘初心,方得始终~这七仙女,信仰之力,还需要我尽全力和她们周旋~而像提莫一样善良的人,人间四月天,温暖人间~

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