




特别感谢Michaels Meanderings为中国警察提供的剪辑。在这里观看他的频道:



#新冠病毒 。

  1. I love this … this is all good stuff. bring it on… 3 (Chris, Winston, and Mattof my favorite youtuber.. (including Matt and Shelley ofcourse)

  2. I'm fangirling right now!!!! Oh my this is the best crossover in history period!! Just this last months I found about the 4 white guys and Shelly 🙂
    I can die in peace now (hope not from #CCPVirus LOL)

  3. Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s new film “Claws of the Red Dragon”
    This is what reality looks like, let everyone share and show this film / Documentary it has to reach the 4 corners of the world before its taken down , this is not just about Huawei and its connection to the CCP, it is what the CCP would and will do to anyone anywhere anytime if you don't follow the line… curse or better still prosecute the bastards politicians that have sold their country to China' CCP when they knew full well the implications, there has been a free for all race on who better could please the CCP for the past 30 plus years , and now comes the time for the deep clean's , the Russians had to cope with the cold war for 35 years, people have died in the wars of Korea and Vietnam to keep the Communists at bay, and then came the leftards / wall street / miners / manufacturers / whom started dealing with the CCP without boundaries or counterchecks, https://www.youtube.com " claws of the red dragon " ( from : China in focus-NTD ) a must see.

  4. So 4 white guys +an Asian grow up in the US, talking about China, this is more biased then fox news, you should at least invite actual Chinese person on for opinion and debate. Btw spending 14 yrs in China does not count as experience, or else I can get my 15 yr old cousin to debate.

  5. is it possible that a civil war is going to break out in China after this pandemic, and if so would you do a video on it? I've been wondering if this is possible for the past few years.

  6. fkn white guys and their traveling…. lol seriously tho I never knew of this third channel turns out when youtube doesn't want you to know something you never learn it even tho i am on youtube all day while "at work" and they autoplay the same crappy videos over and over again

  7. This channel is getting fewer contents, just when we should have many info about China and the virus.
    Guess this is the end of China Uncensored, then.
    Too bad. Thanks for all the information til now, Chris.

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