

由于卫生保健提供者和当地社区开始看到冠状病毒病例增加,技术问题和一系列官僚主义限制导致全国测试不足。在通过测试应对这种流行病方面,美国远远落后于其他国家(如韩国)。 3月26日,美国确诊的冠状病毒病例数超过了中国。事实检查员与科学研究人员,患者,医生,公职人员和公共卫生专家进行了交谈,以汇总实施广泛测试时出了什么问题。

特朗普政府,包括总统本人,卫生和公共服务部长亚历克斯·阿扎尔(Alex Azar)以及疾病控制中心的代表,经常向美国人保证,过去几个月的测试没有问题。试图进行测试的人们提供的数据和证据却讲述了一个截然不同的故事。了解更多:https://wapo.st/3dx8p94。在YouTube上订阅《华盛顿邮报》:https://wapo.st/2QOdcqK


  1. My microbiology professor kept talking about the “so called smart people at the CDC”….. 2 months later I understand him so much more!
    Trump and the politicians are not scientist, they had to put their trust in the CDC and WHO. “We put all of our eggs in one basket”

  2. Now all Governors are busy milking for their Health Care providers the Citizens. Governors are sold to big business and at the end of this massive tryst with tragedy, I hope true picture of American Business and American Politicians comes out. I do not expect that to happen via traditional current means of information – which Government, Media not doing its 0.0001 % of its assigned and expected work of reporting massive frauds. If there is no real projection of truth about Business, Politicians – which I pretty much anticipate – then it will Start of Demise of USA.

  3. Once again, Americans perfectly ok with the Trump administration lying and sweeping things under the rug. What needs to happen for people in the media to flat out say Trump is lying when he lies and confront him about it? When will the people demand it? When will republicans realize that our lives are at stake & Trump doesn’t care .

  4. Coronavirus is a warning and punishment sent by God to the Digital Device Idiots. It would be better if they left Digital Device Idiots and give importance to virus science.
    This is not the end! If it goes like this, other virus varieties are definitely on the way, because in humans, they exceeded their limits like Pharaoh.
    There is no escape from the grim reaper!

  5. Someone with no symptoms can get better but in the meantime they are spreading it to those who are vulnerable. Trump should have lockdown our nation since January the way China did in December.

  6. "No no no no, I have my Cadillac insurance and when I click my heels, I want service! You need to do for me.
    I don't give a damn about anybody else, I pay full fare and I don't want the government paying the tab for everybody.
    I'm special and everyone needs to know it, because I have money.

  7. What went wrong is… you started lying through your teeth and making up fake news stories and case numbers. That’s all. Can you understand that? Probably not.

  8. We got behind because we were going to be stupid enough to accept test kits from the WHO. They are owned by the Chinese and have been pushing Chinese propaganda since day 1.

  9. There are some benefits that this will have on society. The reduction of idiots and the stupid. The filthy pigs that don't practice good hygiene…and there are millions of them. The rethinking and, hopefully, correction of the epic waste of supplies, arrogance and predatory practices by the medical system. The reduction of medical professionals who really don't give a damn about patients…

  10. Poor planning on everyone. Civilians and State. The less you are prepared/save/plan the more you will end up needing government. Leaving them with the more they can take from you. GM bailout, Bank Bailout, Corona bailout. 2018/19 was huge spike in cases for the flu and was anyone notified or was Trump to much of a distraction for the other 50% of the government to do what their suppose to do? Wake up people.

  11. My god, give it a rest WP. First, China lied. They held Chinese New Year. 10 days after our President was notified he put the travel ban on. You called him racist for that. The CDC and WHO said it was just a bad flu. It's a new virus. No one had a test for it. No country did. We have hustled and it is ONLY Trump who pushed the CDC, FDA etc to hustle and hustle fast. To say we messed up is not necessary and not productive and divisive. Always looking to blame aren't you?

  12. Experts began reporting the first part of February that asymptomatic carriers could transmit the virus. It's taken two full months for the government to reluctantly begin telling the public that may masks are a good idea. Still there isn't consistency across the U.S. with stay at home order, testing or masks which is a reflection of poor leadership.

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