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  1. Astartes animation destroys this. Like… why do the faces look strange? They look off for some reason. I dunno, this just seems corny to me. Astartes really gives that realistic edge to 40k. It's like when they redid batman with the dark knight and the sequals. It brought a realistic non Cornyness to batman.

  2. This guy made Helsreach, we pleaded for GW to hire him, they did, and now he puts out a trailer for his first project (looking just like Helsreach) and you guys have the audacity to call it "shitty GW animation" smh.

  3. astarties will get a deal, as if the wouldnt give him one. as for how this looks, im happy for Richard Boylan, but im interested to know how much funding and support GW actually gave him.

  4. I hope GW puts the same time and dedication into this the creator of Asartes did in his work. Because that trailer looked like it was a 2007 cut scene…

  5. I'm excited to see this and I hope it will do good because I would love to see more things like that. Helsreach is one of my favorite web series of all time and I'm happy that the creator can do something like that. This opens a HUGE amount of possibilities that may mark beginning of something great.

    Although, there is one thing that is making me quite angry. This whole bitching and moaning of some people that it's not Astartes is just irritating. Before Astartes people wanted Richard to get hired by GW. When he was people were happy, then Astartes came out and suddenly it's not good, it's cheap, amateur and people bitch and moan again.

    Like seriously, sometimes just shut the fuck up, we finally have a official 40k animation that looks 100 times better than that awful Ultramarine film, a fucking dream come true and some people still just bitch and moan.

  6. This fills me with hope for the future of 40K on screen. If Richard Boylan, the guy behind the 'Helsreach' animated series can make it into GWs creative sphere, so can the man being 'Astartes'. For that matter, so could a hundred other dedicated fan creators. In the interest of supporting THAT effort, we should all get behind this series, and show GW that this, and more, is what we would like to see from them

  7. I think the one thing that just makes the Astartes SM so much better portrayed is less talking. These grand speeches in this sometimes just feel goofy and miss the calculated power in the Astartes.

  8. The animation definitely has some downsides for AoD but I don't know why people are comparing it to Arstartes
    so much.

    Arstarte's full length is 14 minutes and took two years. It looks spectacular yes but that's not even 1 episode. Not to mention there is literally no voice acting in it and no broader story element.

    Even with a team of animators that would still take ridiculously long to produce and fund.

  9. I actually think this looks pretty terrible. Yeah a few battle bits look ok, but really, dawn of war trailers are better….. the people look very cheesy and low budget, and the voice over is really cheap.

  10. I know its his style but I'm not 100% sold on the black-and-white aspect of it. The animation on the Angels with the red looks really good, so I'd love to see it all in full colour. Ship destruction needs more particle effects and parts flying off. It looks very lego-y in its destruction, feels smaller than it actually is.
    But looks really intense and exciting overall. Definately going to watch it. We will see what they develop from the trailer.

  11. This narrative all over this comments section that Astartes is great and this isn’t is super annoying. The people behind the production of this are independents too just like Astartes. The narrative would be entirely reversed if it way the other way around and GW was helping Astartes. Astartes is great. But it’s got some serious and some not so serious IP issues. The inquisitorial adept in episode 5 is characterised as an Ad mech adept and then has a ministorum symbol on his chest in one shot and several other inquisitorial seals in other shots but looks like an ad mech guy. The Marines are all conducting utterly heretical acts messing with the sphere. All of these things would be jumped on by the fandom and then parroted by the fandom’s supplicants if it were made by GW. ‘They don’t even know their own IP’, ‘Loyalist Space Marines would never do that’ etc etc. Also, the notion that this is of lower quality than Astartes is utter rubbish. It’s different. It has an entirely different aesthetic made by choice. This is done in a comic book style not an attempt at realism. It has massive space battles and has actual recognisable in universe adversaries in tyranids. Classic adversaries. The Blood Angels and Tyranids. Forgive me for dismissing every single one of the small minded arm chair critics parroting some bollocks memes kicking round.

  12. I think what GW doesnt understand yet is that the aesthetics and a proper focus on them is what should be the focus in animations. Properly representing carnage and making sure that you have moments to marvel at the detail of some shots like the Astartes guy did is what people crave. Not just Michael Bay effects but proper aesthetical approach to it all.

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