
您的Android平板电脑有点慢和呆滞吗?这些提示和技巧应该大大提高速度!在此视频中,我将使用Nexus 7 2013和ASUS ZenPad 8.0进行演示,但它适用于所有Android设备。


  1. Just fixing my animations honestly helped so much I can actually get things to load now lol it used to be like load for 2 minutes now its like alot quicker lol

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  3. Daaaaaaang,this helped me a hell a lot!I'm thankful for finding this video honestly.I've been having so much lagging and slow issues with huawei tablet

  4. My Samsung tablet is SO slow and stubborn. I'd like to do whatever this guy is saying, but I SO have No Idea What He IS saying. And English is my first language, LOL. Going to have to throw out this Samsung piece of crap and buy another Huawei.

  5. My google 7 android tablet has ran like a sack of old shit since the day I bought it. My android box was also a sack of old shite too xD

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