SnowRunner-Season Pass和高级版预告片| PS4

SnowRunner的Season Pass和Premium Edition Trailer展示了大量发布后的内容!

Sabre Interactive和Focus Home Interactive的下一代越野体验将在通过庞大的Season Pass推出后在PlayStation 4上继续增长,其中增加了新的地图,功能,车辆,任务类型等。

观看Season Pass和Premium Edition的预告片,以全面了解Season Pass和Premium Edition所有者可以期待的内容。

SnowRunner将于4月28日在PlayStation 4上启动。

  1. I have a genuine question to people that are complaining about this season pass. How much content should be included in a game out the door? Is 20 hours of gameplay sufficient? 25 hrs? Everything they developed up to this point? I think the basis of comparison should be the previous game and from everything we’ve seen, the base game is bigger than all of mud runners with its dlc. Would it be better if they charge $70 flat right out of the gate instead of offering a cheaper version?

    As long as the base game is sufficiently sized then I don’t have any problems with them offering any dlc to it.

    If the base game is lacking, I will be annoyed with the rest to you but I don’t think that’s the case at all. People need to look at things objectively instead of immediately reacting.

  2. I don’t why some people are annoyed. They base game is already bigger than mud runners at 49.99 and the premium is 69.99 with the season pass. Seems worth it to me. A lot of work went into it. They even said more content is getting added for free.

  3. This sounds quite worrisome to me. I love this game with all my heart and I have been waiting for it like crazy but I'm not sure I'm in the position of spending $80 on it right away. Aren't DLCs supposed to be released when the game is starting to get old to keep it alive?

  4. Not trying to be negative I’m super excited for this game but why can’t game developers just add all this content to the game before release? I’d gladly pay 60 bucks for a game with all this season pass content, versus waiting an extra six months for it to come out

  5. Give us a full completed game! I rather pay a full price game then have it sprinkle us with bits of content through out the year. I was looking forward to this game. Now I'll wait for sale..disappointed.

  6. I hope vehicle lights are now visible for all multiplayer members in the game. And I also hope that vehicles can't become invisible anymore. That destroys all the realism in the game and takes a lot of the challenge.

  7. Hyped for this! Pre ordered premium (digital) for Xbox 1X?

    So no logging until phase 3?? Will there still be manual loading tho as that's part of the fun?

    FYI, the base game includes…

    3 regions, 11 maps:

    Michigan – 4 maps
    Alaska – 4 maps
    Taymyr – 3 maps

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