

sudo sed -i“ s / NoDisplay = true / NoDisplay = false / g” /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop


猫/ proc / sys / vm / swappiness
gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
vm.swappiness = 10

  1. Your information is very useful and helpful.
    But your instructions were too fast for me.
    Perhaps, this video was a bit old.
    Your links couldn't be reached.
    I used the Jetson Nano, Only 4 Giga RAM is available. I need to set the swap memory to 8G.
    Otherwise, it was stuck when I compiled and installed the OpenCV on it.
    I spent more than 3 hours to install it before increasing the swap memory.
    Eventually, it was failed.
    After setting 8G swap, it took me less than 20 mins.

  2. well the thing with ubuntu is, it is trying to go the windows way. so more compatibility, more noob friendlyness and with everything that goes this way comes a lot of unnecessary code and that will slow you down like on windos.

    thats why i preffer arch-linux. and for those who need an easy operating system i recommend Manjaro <3

  3. I'm currently commenting in January 2020. I don't know why Youtube AI recommended this, but all the speedup problems in this video have been solved by using an SSD. In 2013, SSDs were very expensive niche products.

  4. a simple fix to this video "4 Tricks to Speed Up Ubuntu" is put sudo in front of the gedit /etc/sysctl.conf command so it's
    sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf (worked for me!)

  5. i dont think its good idea to change swappiness if you are on SSD because it can mess up ssd because ssh have limited write speed if you go over ssd will die look about it up on internet.!! I WULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR ANSWER.!

  6. Hi, I am compelled to give you credits, my Ubuntu's interface was laggy, I've check my Swap which was using around 250MB, After turning down my Swappiness to 10 my Ubuntu seems to be lightning fast and smooth!

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