


  1. Dear players,

    My name is Ain, and I am a postgraduate student at the University of Derby, UK. You are invited to please take part in one of the first kind of research on narcissism and competitive behavior in massively multiplayer online role-playing games. The survey is very brief and will only take about 8 to 10 minutes to complete. Please click the link below to go to the survey Web site.


    Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary, and all of your responses will be kept confidential.

    Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

  2. Я бы на месте Болвара мертвецами хуй бы давал дойти до него ,они всеравно бессмертные но разыграли по конченому ..

  3. This is missing the scene at the end of killing both Jaina and Ashara… Also the in game scene from nzoth. Honestly there's a lot not in here :p

  4. it's ironic to see a lot of those lines can also apply to blizzard nowadays.
    "no king rule forever" => bliz

    "This world is a prison" – wow storyline should have ended long ago, yet for business reason, the story persisted till now, and every scriptwriter who tries to extend the story is like trapped in a world that can't expand any further.

    "Just, tell me how to prepare this attack" => This would be a line for bliz CEO to say after the PR fiasco incidents.

    "[Financial Reports] will manipulate human emotion to get people to act in ways contrary to their nature" => bliz decision on Diablo mobile.

    "breaking the cycle" => grind till max level, grind till max gear level, wait for next patch

  5. They understood the tension that they produced as Anduin was faltered and threw his sword down and relied upon the light. The moment they rallied they panned ti the archer and she smirks. This takes all tension away and it become cheesy. Terrible. Its war display how bad it is. She should be frightened.

  6. We kill you slyvanas!
    You cant success your plan!
    Is no more heritage armor main race(human,orc,undead,night elf,drenai,troll,pandaren)
    What about heloom item level after shadow land patch?

  7. Sylvana is a pathetic wow character. She defeted everyone without effort. Lich King ho is one of the most powerful caracters was killed without a battle. Really?

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