
查看新的游戏预告片,该预告片揭示了《愤怒的街道4》对原始三部曲的致敬,其中包括可解锁的像素艺术角色,包括移动装置和独特于各自游戏的能力。此外,玩家还可以切换到由Rage 1街和Rage 2街组成的系列标志性原声带。

Rage 4街将前往Nintendo Switch,PlayStation 4,Xbox One和PC。

#ign #gaming。

  1. IMO I rather get a DLC with the same character art style and wait for it, rather playing them on pixelated. Don't get me wrong I think this game will be perfect for us fans of SOR and it will be a great addition for this game. Hope they release this soon, Since everyone will be at home and quarantined.

  2. This fixes so many problems that I had. There weren't enough characters. Now there is plenty. I wanted retro sprites. Its here (somewhat). I wanted max and skate. Check. I wasn't a fan of the new music. Old music back. Also I didn't like the lack of running….streets of rage 3 had the running…now its back (Adam is seen running). This went from I'll pass, to I'll buy, real quick.

  3. Отлично. Так и надо. Кто нибудь научите микрософт делать ремейки старых игр. Да да, я о баттлтоадс.

  4. But like instead of this cop out can we please get HD sprites of all the classic characters with brand new moves too?

  5. Вот это я называю тот случай когда люди вложили не только мастерство, а любовь и душу, я очень жду и благодарен что будет Шива я его обожаю, так что игра просто пушка.

  6. GO STRAIGHT – BY YUZO KOSHIRO Somehow become the main theme song of Streets of Rage game. Just try to think about SOR without GO STRAIGHT music, Its impossible.

  7. UNLOCKABLE Characters:
    -Bruce Leroy Green (from The Last Dragon, 80's movie)
    -Sho'nuff (from Last Dragon, 80's movie)

    This becomes a "retro spectacle" with these two being unlockable players!

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