BETTY Trailer(2020)青少年系列

BETTY Trailer(2020)滑板,青少年系列

  1. I started skating in the mid-70's and this really looks good, brings back cool memories… can hardly balance on my deck anymore, tho'

  2. It looks cool, but at the same time I hate that all the new coming of age female centric media features mostly lesbians. And it sucks because I know they need the representation as well but damn, I can't really relate to all that. So I most likely will not watch it.

  3. Because it's not enough teen boys acting like imbeciles, we need teen girls doing the same.
    Also:"Fighting the patriarch" with boose and skateboarding. Way to go.

  4. Wooow nice video I can't wait to tell my friends about your channel and I hope you will subscribe to my channel please and tell your subscribers to subscribe thank you

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