8.3暗杀行PVP指南!您需要知道的一切! -魔兽世界:艾泽拉斯之战8.3


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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗杀流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. want to do some arenas and I'm looking at my gear. Have a god set up with 3 TtK, 1 SS, 1 NP, and 1 DD. Looked at stats and I have 25% haste and 9% vers…. DAMN YOU RAIDING!!!!

  2. also rogue burst with vendetta is so simple – yet you used vendetta but simply spammed your essence and let your energy just sit capped. The whole idea of the CD is to use the boost of energy to muti and get out envenoms. It's so so simple. use your essences when low on energy or the target gets out of range. Stop feeding shit info to players.

  3. @dalaran thnx for not answering my question … Now i not only doubt your skill but your personality also … Bye cyou never again

  4. Hey man, not trying to b toxic just thought I’d give advise. In ur rotation you’re totally wasting gcd’s in toxic blade window not envenoming. And bloodelf racial doesn’t remove the last magic effect, it’s totally random everytime

  5. Why do you waste mark of death in the opening instead of the stealth stuns? You can apply all those same dots after cheap and then use the stun. That opening reduces damage and costs you a whole stun. Aside from that rotation. Rest of the guide good

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