新的穿越动物的村民们正在崭新的视野吗? (切换泄漏)

在Switch News中,是否有新的动物穿越泄漏事件揭示出新的动物穿越村民正在来到新视野!? “动物穿越”新闻来自Switch Leak New Horizo​​ns村民的提示,他提示动物穿越艺术画廊和我们的动物穿越游戏玩法即将在《新视野》中放映!您如何看待动物杂交和世界卫生组织中潜在的新角色!?

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  1. I also think fruit update/dlc will happen at some point as well. I know characters can ask which color your most like, and i got a list of red, gold, and yellow. When i chose gold it mentioned the durian fruit. Could be nothing, but could be something.

  2. What about the sloth from ACNL? Granted I don’t remember her name either, but if she was given her own flower shop in the future, I think that would be sooooo adorable! You could buy plant-based furniture and clothing! Aaah! I love the idea

  3. That’s what sims 4 does with their free updates, you can normally get either some new items, clothes and actions which is always exiting to get new stuff and not having to pay for it

  4. I mean as much as I would like redd to come back and scam us, I don't think it would fit in this game. The island we play in "belongs" to Tom Nook, and he hates redd, he said he didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Redd could appear in the past titles because Nook was only a shop owner, in new horizons he's the owner of literally everything.

    I guess they could make Nook and Redd forgive each other, Redd could appear on the island after we hear Nook arguing with him on the phone a few times…idk

  5. Isabelle told me to improve my town by adding more shopping centers…and I have both able sisters and books cranny. So I'm thinking that's a tease for new shops

  6. We have like 50 old Villagers that never returned and got forgotten. I also hope for those special villagers to be added (Hello Kitty, 7/11, etc.) even though we're not going to get their advertisement furniture.

  7. Me befor buying: I can't wait to see crazy red in plaza Nintendo: we brought back like four characters video: has red on title me: watching this video lol

  8. I don’t believe they cut out as many characters as it seems (or don’t wanna believe it) but I’m hoping when /if the museum upgrades they bring back Celeste’s observatory!!

  9. Have left a special spot for leafs garden shop (hopefully bushes will be back) and Brewster's café (hopefully he will sell more the coffe) I miss working in his café

  10. I don't think Nintendo is finished with the features of this game. I think they're waiting to release things to keep the game fun, engaging, and to let the exploring continue. Blizzard does this, they wait to release things and do it in phases

  11. Btw, In the french version, peppy villagers will sometimes tell you "I love going to see Rooster in the blablabla" sorry I don't know the English name of the two, in french it's the Perchoir and Robusto is the pigeon's name. So yes, it's not the only one. And might I add, that the name of the cafe is colored blue and Robusto's name is colored orange, so yes, the game itself highlights the importance of the two

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