育碧的BIG April Switch网上商店销售+ PS5控制器使Internet泛滥!

《生化危机8》可能已经泄漏了一些有趣的细节,PS5控制器已经揭晓,互联网被分割了,随着Ubisoft的加入,Nintendo Switch eShop的销售量越来越大!


RE 8信息:https://www.biohazardcast.com/new-rumors-arise-about-resident-evil-8/



  2. dude just stop stop covering sony you dont like PS stick to switch my wallet isnt suffering at all numnutts. i paid $40 for phantom theives pserson 5 royal and got FFVII remake deluxe for free. bought conduct together for free and picross 2 for free..

    just stop sean your milking is getting out of hand.

  3. Resident evil is about biological creatures imo not paranormal ghosts or anything supernatural. The zombies have a virus nothing supernatural. I’m not a fan of first person angle for the RE series so that’s me doubly out. But hey happy for others to enjoy. I’ll get the next remake or revelations game instead. ?

  4. Wassup RGT 85 ?.

    RE8 is sounding pretty cool, back too a First Person view which is definitely gonna split people's opinions but I really enjoyed RE7 anyway tho.

    The DualSense looks really too me, Specs are sounding fantastic, the Two-Tone Colours are fine aswell hopefully more Colours will be available at some point aswell, I am excited we are getting some PS5 news finally.

    Quality Sales again on the Switch, Child of Light and Mario X Rabbids are musts and AC: Rebel Collection is a very good pickup plus Rayman is a great time.

  5. All Black is way to common. Everyone wants a black PlayStation but I rather be that "Special Snowflake" that has a White Version because White Screams Future. But if it has a bit of black its still futuristic. But then again everyone hates Futuristic Sleek looks and prefer designs from the 21st Century. I am not surprised sense 97% of the population hates Futuristic Designs and prefer 21st century tech designs of the past. Sadly it won't stay that way forever though as years goes by so best get used to it now.

  6. Sony needs to switch the D-Pad and Analog stick on the left of the controller, the controller is out dated big time and not ergonomically correct. They should just own up to making a mistake with their design. I don't wanna play Playstation because of the reason mentioned above. It hurts my left hand now.

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