
将于今年12月登陆Nintendo Switch和PC。

格里斯(Gris)是一个充满希望的年轻女孩,她迷失了自己的世界,生活中经历着痛苦的经历。她的悲伤历历在她的着装中,赋予了新的能力,可以更好地驾驭她褪色的现实。随着故事的发展,格里斯(Gris)会情绪激动,以不同的方式看待她的世界,从而揭示出探索新技能的新途径。 GRIS是一种宁静而令人回味的体验,没有危险,沮丧或死亡。玩家将探索精致细致的设计世界,并以精美的艺术品,详尽的动画和优雅的原创乐谱将其栩栩如生。在游戏中,随着Gris的世界变得越来越通畅,谜题,平台序列和基于技能的可选挑战将逐渐显现出来。

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  1. What an amazing game! The art – sure, mesmerizing and the first thing you notice. But then also the music, the simplicity, and the unique atmosphere it creates. I would love to buy it. 1400+ likes vs only 5 dislike currently… Absolutely amazing!

  2. Bought the game from GoG, played through it in about 5.5 hours, headed back to the store to grab the sound track as well, then went straight back to the game to keep exploring. And making lots of sweet screenshots to use as wallpaper. Absurdly beautiful, amazing experience, nicely done, Nomada Studio. Tell me about your future plans!

  3. Señoritos sabemos que son españoles anda que no pongan todo en inglés podemos entenderlos, además ya hasta rubius los va a subir a su canal, así que WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  4. Es precioso el apartado artístico, y las mecánicas se ven muy interesantes y distintas a lo que hay ahora. Lo seguiré muy de cerca. 🙂

    Un saludo y os deseo lo mejor.

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