9/11电影预告片-9月8日上映-由查理·辛(Charlie Sheen)和胡比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg)主演


主演:查理·辛(Charlie Sheen),胡比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg),吉娜·格申(Gina Gershon),路易斯·古兹曼(Luis Guzman)和伍德·哈里斯(Wood Harris)



  1. TOO cheesy, if you make movie bout 9/11, you can’t make it with the same vibe as many Hollywood movies. It becomes offensive. I recommend to anyone to watch UNITED 93, it is in my opinion the best movie on 9/11.

  2. But wait, I think they showed the full movie. Only one person survived from that elevator. Same I will not watch something this tragic.

  3. This could have been an awesome movie if it was done right. The tragic events of that day grab everyone instantly yet this is a weak attempt at telling the story.

  4. Omg what a film , I've not cried so much in ages !! Charlie Sheen this was the best I've seen u act n Whoopi Goldberg , u were both AMAZING !! The heart goes out to all those lost ?I pray nothing like this has chance to happen again ?

  5. When I was 15, my English class had to write a short story about a tragedy. Apparently, Charlie Sheen dug through the trash piles and found my paper…

  6. If your offended by this, maybe you should have spoken up when the mainstream media immediately took to the waves to blame the American people for this attack instead of the vile, despicable religion that inspired this and thousands of other terrorist acts in the the last 1200 years.

  7. I´m kind of on the brinks about this film. Saw the trailer with an open mind but after seeing it I´m not so sure this should have been filmed at all. I get people wanting to make a memorial video about the different terrors that have yet to be told, but do you really want people to relive the emotions and do it the wrong way? Like I´m pretty sure loads of people can remember this horrible event. I do because it impacted my childhood and changed practically everything for me. My family lived in Dyckman street and even though we were still a good distance away, we still felt the shock and rush. I even lost a friend, and my family members lost loved ones too. So I really don´t know about this film…they should put things to rest. Moving on is great but continuing to put out something is not moving forward at all.

  8. I wish Charlie Sheen had been actually stuck on the roof of the North Tower, but they were miraculously able to get a helicopter to the top of it to airlift him and a few other lucks souls to safety, but then the pilot takes one look at him and goes, 'ugh' – and proceeds to boot Charlie out the door and straight down into the gaping maw of the airplane hole (and yes I'm aware that this would require him to fall at at least a 45 degree angle, breaking all known laws of physics – it's my fantasy, alright?)

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