

  1. Hey lovely people! Please use my promocode ?tdvjcfm? at your first order to receive up to 50% off! Thank you so much? have a happy day ❄️

  2. My products from Wish came in a used com sock of a bag handled almost as poorly as a toddler with lego's and most of the time its not the right size or not what you ordered. Just use Amazon.

  3. ciao wish le prego di rispondermi …… io non ho ricevuto 2 pacchi entro il mese di cui mi era stato detto e questo va bene perché comunque altri pacchi mi sono arrivati anche molto dopo la data ma l'importante è che siano arrivati questi due pacchi non sono arrivati e non sapevo questa cosa del rimborso entro 10 giorni quindi non lho fatto ora posso fare qualcosa per rimediare sennò ho speso soldi inultimente senza ricevere niente!

  4. I love the stupidity on this ads, i hate them but i love how stupid they all are, like the one with the mermaid make up brushes, they are cute cheap brushes and the fucking guy tries to brush the girl's face with them WHILE THEY ARE STILL IN THE PLASTIC BAG… wtf? Wish do you really think people is that fuckong stupid? Can someone make a video about why this ads are so terrible and stupid? Also why would you want to buy a cheap as bullshit from wish? Like im sure is worst than dollar store quality and for what people tell they take for ever to sens the stuff why is people trusting this app? Agh i hate wish and its stupid bad acted ads.

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