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#LanCache#蒸汽#起源#uplay #epicgames#战网。

  1. does anyone know what path i should be putting to store the cache on a different drive? not experienced in linux and i havent found any info yet online.

  2. Question does this work for console downloads/updates too?
    Or is it possible to work with consoles, more specifically the Switch?

  3. I love my gigabit. 20gb update? gimme 5 mins. need to install BFV real quick weighing in at 85gb? no problem just give me 30 mins… lol gigabit is the way of the future man

  4. Would be interesting to see this plus pi hole working at the same time, maybe if set on different devices and setting the dns server of the lan cache to the pi hole?

  5. My problem is I have multiple gaming PCs in different locations. So if I download it in one place I have to copy it to a flash drive or completely redownload. Updates kill me too because sometimes they are several GBs and sometimes I don’t use a PC for several weeks and when I do the game has like 20GBs of updates. Modern Warfare is the worst offender. Has like 20GB + updates every other week

  6. If you want to execute docker without sudo, you can add your user to the docker group: `sudo usermod -a -G docker USERNAME` – have to logout to make the changes take effect. Know that this allows anyone who can login as your user to become root..

  7. Very good informative video. One question: what happens when non of two pcs has a game allready downloaded and both of them try to download at the same time, does one machine get its data from the cache and do you have to wait before booting the second machine?

  8. How is this in any substantive way different than just having a storage drive attached to your network? I don't get why a router reading a storage drive directly to copy files to a connected computer is slower than using another bit of software on the drive to tell it to do the same thing…

  9. I made one of these (based on another, but mine was designed to be a lot simpler and support more services) and used it at a couple of lans. It was great but I lost interest in PC gaming and it kinda became defunct. I hadn't seen another that was as easy to use until this one, so I'm super happy to see this!

  10. Would you make a netcode analysis of Escape from Tarkov? I know you made one already, but that was 2 years ago. Many things have changed since then.

  11. Why use so many ips on the same nic? I dont get how that could possibly improve performance and several reasons that it may break connectivity.

  12. 10000Mbps? What do you have in home – a 10Gbps fiber ring or some alien quality UTP cables?
    Anyway this is old – we have Squid, but the overall problem is the data volumes. Huge amount of files are downloaded in full instead of bin diff patch (or delta-copy)

  13. Lancache is actually also useful for those of us with only 1 PC: being able to store all your games on HDDs and still have fast downloads. A normal HDD today has a read speed of ~125MB/s+, or gigabit. This is what most of our LAN speeds can achieve (I actually have 10Gbit, but I'm an exception). This means you can have a PC with all your games on one or two SSDs and then delete them once you don't need them and keep them on a seperate server with a hard drive. All your games stay on the hard drive and you don't need a mechanical one in your main PC. You also get the benefit of being able to store all your games if you have a 4TB+ hard drive, meaning you could theoretically just get a 500GB SSD for cheap and use that as your only storage solution in your main PC, and then anytime you need to play a game just download it from the cache (100GB would take 13.3 minutes to download, so the biggest games are no more than ~20 minutes away at all times)

    Personally I store all my games on an unRAID server with a 2TB SSD pool that allows 2TB of games to be downloaded at 10Gbit (1.3 minutes per 100GB) and the rest sits on the mechanical drives which have a read speed of ~180MB/s (9.2 minutes per 100GB). My main PC has only SSDs now, and is very quiet (it's entirely liquid cooled and the fans spin at the slowest RPM, I never see temps on either CPU or GPU over 60*C). Best thing is it didn't cost me much to implement any of this.

    An unRAID server can be ultra-cheap if you're just using it as a NAS (unRAID can do much, much more, though!). Just slap 4-8GB of cheap DDR3 ram, a cheap DDR3 capable mobo and an ultracheap Xeon, all off eBay for about $200-300 total, together with a 450-500W PSU, a cheap case and your HDDs (4TB can be as cheap as $100 if you're lucky, usually ~$120, I buy 8TB WD Elements drives for $180 then shuck them for ultra-fast reliable WD Reds). Total cost can be as low as $550 for the entire server, and you'll gain so much knowledge on unRAID and Linux along the way. There is so much you can do with unRAID and there's unlimited expansion potential (my server has a street value of about $1000 per CPU (of which there are two), $1000 for the RAM (128GB ECC DDR4 2400MHz), $500 for the motherboard, about 38TB of storage that has parity (unRAID has some of the best parity btw, much better than RAID) that I've paid about $600-700 for, etc. But you don't need that for just a NAS/lancache. I use my server for a lot more and got the CPUs and RAM for free.

  14. Gutes Video, ich hätte noch eine video Idee. Leider bin ich da auch noch nicht richtig fündig geworden. Ich möchte das mein NAS die Spiele über Nacht oder zeit x für mich herunterläd. Danach könnte ich sie per lancache oder etwas vergleichbarem aufm mein Gaming PC herunterziehen. Ein gebilde aus win img auf dem Nas und lancache möchte ich nicht haben da es warscheinlich zu viel performance braucht, aber abstriche muss man immer machen.

  15. Chris can u mention a good frame limiter who gave same input latency as ingame frame cap do with perfect frametime e.g source engine game like cs/dota and other games like cod and pubg i tried rtss and radeon chill but i cant feel the same responsiveness as ingame fps does, but in game fps limit bad for frame times :/ plz help

  16. You should make an easier to use GUI so kiddies can download and use it, hence gaining more publicity. (Not my personal need, just thought that would promote lancache even further and will gain a larger audience by doing so)

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