

纽约州州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)周一发出紧急命令,指示医院将其容量增加50%,因为该州的冠状病毒病例一夜之间激增38%,至20,875。


“这可能会持续几个月,” Cuomo说。他说,大约所有病例中有13%已住院,其中621名患者最终进入了ICU,有157人死亡。

“没人能告诉你这是四个月,六个月,八个月,九个月。但这是几个月,”库莫说。 “我们所有人现在必须面对那是一个新现实。那不会改变。您明天早上不会打开新闻,他们会说,“惊奇,这一切都已经在两周内解决了。”

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  1. You are so right without lives who runs the economy.. it is the right thing .. Thank you Governor Cuomo for putting the people first .before the dollar sign ..

  2. I am sick of hearing this man's voice and seeing his face. He is the face of the panic of the Cuomovirus. Terrible leadership in New York. New York is a TOTAL DISASTER because of his mismanagement

  3. I'm confused. People have been desperately trying to get masks yet this guy has enough to be using them as a background prop for his press conference?

  4. I've been paying attention to Gov Cuomo for the last two weeks. So refreshing to see a real leader. What a difference from that delusional, incompetent, ignorant orange clown that currently occupies the White House.

  5. Cuomo gets better at this all the time. The difference between someone who puts the work in and someone who just lies. The mafia always made more sense than idiocracy.

  6. But suicides, murders etc from desperate people who have lost their jobs, families, future, yeah those lives don't matter I guess. Sounds good on paper guys but use your brains please.

  7. No American will say speed up the economy at the cost of lives? As an outsider, I can only observe that the United States has been voting for a completely deregulated form of hyper-capitalism at the cost of universal health care while nurturing a tolerance for armament and violence for years now.

    The reaction to the mere suggestion of universal health care has been appallingly close to McCarthyism, in fact. Instead they cut taxes for the super rich, while building the largest army on the planet and allowing the citizenry to stockpile astronomical amounts of weapons. To some degree they even allow the murder of innocent folks because of something macabre as "Stand your ground".

    Speeding up the economy at the cost of life is all these folks seem to have been trying to do since Reagan was voted into office. If I wasn't so sorry for the folks that are affected, I would be laughing at the absurdity of the statement and the irony of it all.

    I hope that one day we will find a definitive cure for cognitive dissonance.

  8. A COVID-19 shutdown of a nation benefits no one. Except the International Socialists.

    Public officials spurn Christianity²¹ and pay obeisance to the Cremation Cult, faking belief² so that they will not be characterized deniers. This pseudo faith was devised to act as a catalyst to instill in the public consciousness anathema for their own kind, a desire to rush to the rescue and to cease using the land resource that was not promised to them.

    Land policy proved efficient at redemption. Building upwards while halting expansion outwards causes property prices and rents to skyrocket and places the lifetime earnings of citizens squarely into the hands of the chosen few turning a nation into a vassal. Thousands of homeless in each city with a corresponding proportion of deaths each month. An epidemic simultaneously decimates the population. Citizens are caught between these two forces. COVID-19 will run its course. It cannot be stopped.


    ¹¹ Miraculous cremation: Nine thousand corpses (maximum daily) laid out head to toe in single file form a line 9 miles long and take 900 tons of coal to reduce to ashes. (Some sources cite a daily quota of 25,000 forming a line 25 miles long and requiring 2500 tons of coal for incineration.) A line of corpses 6250 miles long (total) requires 600,000 tons of coal to reduce to ashes. Excluding those shipped east of the Urals that did not die and ancestors from several generations back that were already dead leaves a discrepancy of greater than 5,950,000. Published figures for Europe reveal that a population of 8,939,608 in 1939 grew to 9,372,666 by 1945 for a net increase of 422,058 persons. The six million campaign first attempted after WWI quickly faltered when it was revealed that this figure equated to or exceeded the entire population of this people, all of whom were alive and well, but was launched again with saturation coverage following WWII. Denial is unlawful and prompted by its inquisition unbelievers are subject to imprisonment.

    ² At the Altar of the Sun (Jerusalem) that was already ancient in his time where Abraham sought a blessing, human beings were sacrificed during the fire ceremony each spring to this god, an incorrigible bloodthirsty tyrant, which was reputed to favour justice and righteousness that was proclaimed the Supreme Being. This spiritual entity that was derived from, sustained and empowered by human sacrifice, unlike that derived from animal sacrifice that led the medicine man to the herd during the annual hunt, facilitated the intrigues of its proponents in their quest for more power. Abraham was fabulously wealthy, ostensibly a just man and his son whom he loved dearly was his most precious possession. But so egoistic and selfish was he that when put to the test revealed that he was prepared to slit the throat of his own son in order to inherit the Earth and the increase that it yields.

    ²¹ Jesus was fully cognizant that the provenance of this grasping spiritual entity at Jerusalem that is a curse perpetrated by bloodshed was human sacrifice:

    “And the devil, taking him up into the high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give unto thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” — Luke, ch. 4, v. 5-8.

  9. Its not public health vs. economy. Its deaths of coronavirus vs. deaths because of suicide due to loss of jobs or/and quarantine. Also keep in mind that not so well developed countries could get problems with food shortages. JUST SAYING

  10. If democrats in congress don't give him the $500 billion slush fund and New York doesn't stop the investigations on his (alleged) criminal activity, how much federal life saving equipment will he let them have? Anyone believe the lives of Americans are more important to him than his re-election?

  11. It is both tragic and inspiring to see leaders such as Cuomo stepping up to fill the gaping void created by DJT's inability to manage.

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