敦刻尔克-预告片1 [HD]

由电影制作人克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)(“星际穿越”,“盗梦空间”,“黑暗骑士”三部曲)带来的史诗动作惊悚片《敦刻尔克》将于2017年7月21日在影院上映。



  1. Why all the fuss, it's a special effects movie. I come from a generation where we had great war films and this ain't one. That's twice I've tried to sit through it and failed.

  2. Encore un film qui bouffe très clairement les couilles des rosbifs, comme d'habitude c'est eux les héros ??? mon cul oui, même pas un petit clin d'œil au dizaines de milliers des soldats Français mort durant cette bataille.
    Son film, je fais exactement le même tout les matin dans mes chiottes. Il peut se le foutre aux cul! N'en déplaise à ses aux rosbifs.

  3. beautifully made movie by Nolan yet again, but as much as I want to praise the film making. I don't it depicted much reality as nice and clean soldiers, beaches and our hero fighter pilot takes down a lot of enemy planes especially at the end even with dead engine? come on man, you wanted to show brits as great warriors i get it but you over did it.

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