
—标题 [date]

—鉴定与珊瑚致命性藻类疾病有关的微生物及其与冰川融冰的关系(全球变暖) [2005]
•J. M. CERVINO•M. Littler•D. Littler•S. Polson•T. J. Goreau•B. Brooks•G. W. Smith

—冰融化对北冰洋病毒和原生生物传播的细菌碳通量的影响 [2010]
•朱莉娅·波拉斯(Julia A. Boras)•蒙特塞拉特·萨拉(M. Montserrat Sala)•耶稣·M·阿列耶塔(Ms. Jesus)

—气候变化与新兴传染病 [2001]

—冰融化对北冰洋病毒和原生生物传播的细菌碳通量的影响 [2010]
•朱莉娅·波拉斯(Julia A. Boras)•蒙特塞拉特·萨拉(M. Montserrat Sala)•耶稣·M·阿列耶塔(Ms. Jesus)

—中国的蝙蝠冠状病毒 [March 2019]

—关于SARS-CoV-2的起源和持续发展 [Feb 29 2020]

—当心无症状传播:基于扩展SEIR模型的2019-nCoV预防和控制措施研究 [Jan 28 2020]




  1. Glad to see you realise there are two strains now and who knows how many will emerge. You can feel fine for up to about 12 days before you begin to feel sick. This is why so many people are suddenly getting ill and overwhelming the hospitals in areas that appeared to have no issues. This can then lead to deaths as medical resources are stretched too far.

  2. Could you please use your knowledge to your and our advantage and not your sexuality? I'm a woman, too, and I believe it's important to be fully dressed if I'm going to present a video to the public here on YouTube. It also wouldn't hurt if you didn't yell into the mic. You can be angry, but please control yourself, because it can negatively impact your viewers. One thing I always try to think about is I could be talking to families and children and/or those who have children and older loved ones who need to know more about what I'm speaking, or in this case, what you're speaking. I really appreciate the subject matter, because I've been speaking to healthcare personnel here in Atlanta.
    Ha! Isn't it funny that Atlanta's the CDC's headquarters, and their buildings were contaminated week before last, and the COVID19 test kits were unusable!!!
    Yeah, I didn't know whether to laugh or scream, so I did both. Good freakin' grief!

  3. Finally a woman that understands this virus ! Plus who does the actual research to back it up.. ive been keeping an eye on this pathogen since late last year, i even told my family and friends since then that this virus has the potential be really bad. Now thats its here in the US people are starting to panic.. we as a society have become so complacent and now may have to pay the consequences.
    However the people that are conscience and aware of the reality at hand will prevail and thrive during these hard time.
    Anyways sorry im babbling, im have so much to say yet people wont listen, some do but many dont.
    Stay safe and take care from California!✌

  4. Why so angry ? I understand that you may be vexed by the lack of knowledge on molecular biology/microbiology of the average Joe but a calm, thorough and coherent explanation would go even further, in my opinion. Do you think an average American knows what a purine and pyrimidin base is or how retroviruses propagate ? I doubt it.

  5. Great video Gretchen. I am truly inspired by my family and their efforts to promote public education with regard to this horrible virus spreading throughout the world. Ashley and Kerry are also involved as you well know. Keep up the wonderful work. We are all the better for it. Please take care.
    Uncle, vcd

  6. Great video, it really does worry me how many people are ignoring the incubation period where it can spread. It's very scary to me that a virus with a several percent fatality rate and that can hospitalise one in five people for weeks can be spread while people feel fine for days at a time.

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