202年1月9日,瓦格纳航空加快在塞斯纳414 N8134Q上向奥克兰28升的RNAV航行速度

坐这架IFR飞机进入奥克兰地区,乘坐RNAV进近塞斯纳414 N8134Q的塞斯纳414 N8134Q跑道28L。

  1. You mentioned that the plane was detailed with ceramic coating on the wings possibly causing ice to slide off. Can you tell us the name of this coating used? Would like to try it on my 340.

  2. Did you think that we wouldn't notice that you edited out the touchdown? I'll bet it wasn't that bad. Great flight Jerry! You are one cool dude..icing conditions. ..no stress.

  3. Great flight Jerry many thanks. Question is Kevin getting the same upgrade to his panel as you ,I picked up on it when you was flying with mike mike mike cheers

  4. Nice vid Jerry” Beautiful clouds and blue sky…

    Request” can you do a vid from stat up/ Prime” showing each button flicked/pressed at close camera view.. it could be a short “Start-up” Vid”.. in detail..

  5. It's amazing to see how pro GA things such as ATC is in the US, in Europe it has all but been regulated and taxed out of existance. Over here you basically treated as a nuisance in their day. Can your onboard weather rader be overlayed onto foreflight or garmin pilot on a tablet or is it just own its on screen?

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